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Search Results (78)
  • Open Access


    Prediction of Covid-19 Based on Chest X-Ray Images Using Deep Learning with CNN

    Anika Tahsin Meem1, Mohammad Monirujjaman Khan1,*, Mehedi Masud2, Sultan Aljahdali2

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.41, No.3, pp. 1223-1240, 2022, DOI:10.32604/csse.2022.021563 - 10 November 2021

    Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has caused trouble in people’s daily lives and ruined several economies around the world, killing millions of people thus far. It is essential to screen the affected patients in a timely and cost-effective manner in order to fight this disease. This paper presents the prediction of COVID-19 with Chest X-Ray images, and the implementation of an image processing system operated using deep learning and neural networks. In this paper, a Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and Convolutional Neural Network-based approach for predicting Covid-19 positive and normal patients using Chest X-Ray pictures is proposed.… More >

  • Open Access


    Covid-19 CT Lung Image Segmentation Using Adaptive Donkey and Smuggler Optimization Algorithm

    P. Prabu1, K. Venkatachalam2, Ala Saleh Alluhaidan3,*, Radwa Marzouk4, Myriam Hadjouni5, Sahar A. El_Rahman5,6

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.71, No.1, pp. 1133-1152, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.020919 - 03 November 2021

    Abstract COVID’19 has caused the entire universe to be in existential health crisis by spreading globally in the year 2020. The lungs infection is detected in Computed Tomography (CT) images which provide the best way to increase the existing healthcare schemes in preventing the deadly virus. Nevertheless, separating the infected areas in CT images faces various issues such as low-intensity difference among normal and infectious tissue and high changes in the characteristics of the infection. To resolve these issues, a new inf-Net (Lung Infection Segmentation Deep Network) is designed for detecting the affected areas from the… More >

  • Open Access


    Coronavirus Decision-Making Based on a Locally -Generalized Closed Set

    M. A. El Safty1,*, S. A. Alblowi2, Yahya Almalki3, M. El Sayed4

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.32, No.1, pp. 483-498, 2022, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2022.021581 - 26 October 2021

    Abstract Real-world applications now deal with a massive amount of data, and information about the world is inaccurate, incomplete, or uncertain. Therefore, we present in our paper a proposed model for solving problems. This model is based on the class of locally generalized closed sets, namely, locally simply* alpha generalized closed* sets and locally simply* alpha generalized closed** sets (briefly, -sets and -sets), based on simply* alpha open set. We also introduce various concepts of their properties and their relationship with other types, and we are studying several of their properties. Finally, we apply the concept More >

  • Open Access


    COVID-19 Cases Prediction in Saudi Arabia Using Tree-based Ensemble Models

    Abdulwahab Ali Almazroi1, Raja Sher Afgun Usmani2,*

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.32, No.1, pp. 389-400, 2022, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2022.020588 - 26 October 2021

    Abstract COVID-19 pandemic has affected more than 144 million people and spread to over 200 countries. The prediction of COVID-19 behaviour and trend is crucial to prevent its spreading. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is Asia’s fifth largest country, and it hosts the two holiest cities of the Islamic world. KSA hosts millions of pilgrims every year, and it is of great importance to predict the COVID-19 spread to organize these religious activities and bring life to normality in KSA. This study proposes four tree-based ensemble methods to predict the COVID-19 daily new cases in KSA.… More >

  • Open Access


    A Monte Carlo Based COVID-19 Detection Framework for Smart Healthcare

    Tallat Jabeen1,2, Ishrat Jabeen1, Humaira Ashraf2, Nz Jhanjhi3,*, Mamoona Humayun4, Mehedi Masud5, Sultan Aljahdali5

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.70, No.2, pp. 2365-2380, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.020016 - 27 September 2021

    Abstract COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus disease that has been declared as a global pandemic in 2019. It affects the whole world through person-to-person communication. This virus spreads by the droplets of coughs and sneezing, which are quickly falling over the surface. Therefore, anyone can get easily affected by breathing in the vicinity of the COVID-19 patient. Currently, vaccine for the disease is under clinical investigation in different pharmaceutical companies. Until now, multiple medical companies have delivered health monitoring kits. However, a wireless body area network (WBAN) is a healthcare system that consists of nano sensors… More >

  • Open Access


    Prediction Model for Coronavirus Pandemic Using Deep Learning

    Mamoona Humayun1,*, Ahmed Alsayat2

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.40, No.3, pp. 947-961, 2022, DOI:10.32604/csse.2022.019288 - 24 September 2021

    Abstract The recent global outbreak of COVID-19 damaged the world health systems, human health, economy, and daily life badly. None of the countries was ready to face this emerging health challenge. Health professionals were not able to predict its rise and next move, as well as the future curve and impact on lives in case of a similar pandemic situation happened. This created huge chaos globally, for longer and the world is still struggling to come up with any suitable solution. Here the better use of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence and deep learning, may… More >

  • Open Access


    Learning Patterns from COVID-19 Instances

    Rehan Ullah Khan*, Waleed Albattah, Suliman Aladhadh, Shabana Habib

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.40, No.2, pp. 765-777, 2022, DOI:10.32604/csse.2022.019757 - 09 September 2021

    Abstract Coronavirus disease, which resulted from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has spread worldwide since early 2020 and has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Coronavirus disease is also termed COVID-19. It affects the human respiratory system and thus can be traced and tracked from the Chest X-Ray images. Therefore, Chest X-Ray alone may play a vital role in identifying COVID-19 cases. In this paper, we propose a Machine Learning (ML) approach that utilizes the X-Ray images to classify the healthy and affected patients based on the patterns found in these images. The article… More >

  • Open Access


    Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Applications to Defeat COVID-19 Pandemic

    Mohammed Baz1, Sabita Khatri2, Abdullah Baz3, Hosam Alhakami4, Alka Agrawal2, Raees Ahmad Khan2,*

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.40, No.2, pp. 691-702, 2022, DOI:10.32604/csse.2022.019079 - 09 September 2021

    Abstract The rapid emergence of novel virus named SARS-CoV2 and unchecked dissemination of this virus around the world ever since its outbreak in 2020, provide critical research criteria to assess the vulnerabilities of our current health system. The paper addresses our preparedness for the management of such acute health emergencies and the need to enhance awareness, about public health and healthcare mechanisms. In view of this unprecedented health crisis, distributed ledger and AI technology can be seen as one of the promising alternatives for fighting against such epidemics at the early stages, and with the higher… More >

  • Open Access


    Deep Learning Approach for Analysis and Characterization of COVID-19

    Indrajeet Kumar1, Sultan S. Alshamrani2, Abhishek Kumar3, Jyoti Rawat4, Kamred Udham Singh1, Mamoon Rashid5,*, Ahmed Saeed AlGhamdi6

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.70, No.1, pp. 451-468, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.019443 - 07 September 2021

    Abstract Early diagnosis of a pandemic disease like COVID-19 can help deal with a dire situation and help radiologists and other experts manage human resources more effectively. In a recent pandemic, laboratories perform diagnostics manually, which requires a lot of time and expertise of the laboratorial technicians to yield accurate results. Moreover, the cost of kits is high, and well-equipped labs are needed to perform this test. Therefore, other means of diagnosis is highly desirable. Radiography is one of the existing methods that finds its use in the diagnosis of COVID-19. The radiography observes change in… More >

  • Open Access


    Soft -Rough Set and Its Applications in Decision Making of Coronavirus

    M. A. El Safty1,*, Samirah Al Zahrani1, M. K. El-Bably2, M. El Sayed3

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.70, No.1, pp. 267-285, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.019345 - 07 September 2021

    Abstract In this paper, we present a proposed method for generating a soft rough approximation as a modification and generalization of Zhaowen et al. approach. Comparisons were obtained between our approach and the previous study and also. Eventually, an application on Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been presented, illustrated using our proposed concept, and some influencing results for symptoms of Coronavirus patients have been deduced. Moreover, following these concepts, we construct an algorithm and apply it to a decision-making problem to demonstrate the applicability of our proposed approach. Finally, a proposed approach that competes with others has been More >

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