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Search Results (48)
  • Open Access


    Image Feature Computation in Encrypted Domain Based on Mean Value

    Xiangshu Ou1, Mingfang Jiang2,*, Shuai Li1, Yao Bai1

    Journal of Cyber Security, Vol.2, No.3, pp. 123-130, 2020, DOI:10.32604/jcs.2020.09703 - 14 September 2020

    Abstract In smart environments, more and more teaching data sources are uploaded to remote cloud centers which promote the development of the smart campus. The outsourcing of massive teaching data can reduce storage burden and computational cost, but causes some privacy concerns because those teaching data (especially personal image data) may contain personal private information. In this paper, a privacy-preserving image feature extraction algorithm is proposed by using mean value features. Clients use block scrambling and chaotic map to encrypt original images before uploading to the remote servers. Cloud servers can directly extract image mean value More >

  • Open Access


    QDCT Encoding-Based Retrieval for Encrypted JPEG Images

    Qiuju Ji1, Peipeng Yu1, Zhihua Xia1, *

    Journal on Big Data, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 33-51, 2020, DOI:10.32604/jbd.2020.01004 - 07 September 2020

    Abstract Aprivacy-preserving search model for JPEG images is proposed in paper, which uses the bag-of-encrypted-words based on QDCT (Quaternion Discrete Cosine Transform) encoding. The JPEG image is obtained by a series of steps such as DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) transformation, quantization, entropy coding, etc. In this paper, we firstly transform the images from spatial domain into quaternion domain. By analyzing the algebraic relationship between QDCT and DCT, a QDCT quantization table and QDTC coding for color images are proposed. Then the compressed image data is encrypted after the steps of block permutation, intra-block permutation, single table More >

  • Open Access


    A Meaningful Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Prediction Error and Wavelet Transform

    Mengling Zou1, Zhengxuan Liu2, Xianyi Chen3, *

    Journal on Big Data, Vol.1, No.3, pp. 151-158, 2019, DOI:10.32604/jbd.2019.09057

    Abstract Image encryption (IE) is a very useful and popular technology to protect the privacy of users. Most algorithms usually encrypt the original image into an image similar to texture or noise, but texture and noise are an obvious visual indication that the image has been encrypted, which is more likely to cause the attacks of enemy. To overcome this shortcoming, many image encryption systems, which convert the original image into a carrier image with visual significance have been proposed. However, the generated cryptographic image still has texture features. In line with the idea of improving More >

  • Open Access


    A Block Compressed Sensing for Images Selective Encryption in Cloud

    Xingting Liu1, Jianming Zhang2,*, Xudong Li2, Siwang Zhou1, Siyuan Zhou2, Hye-JinKim3

    Journal of Cyber Security, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 29-41, 2019, DOI:10.32604/jcs.2019.06013

    Abstract The theory of compressed sensing (CS) has been proposed to reduce the processing time and accelerate the scanning process. In this paper, the image recovery task is considered to outsource to the cloud server for its abundant computing and storage resources. However, the cloud server is untrusted then may pose a considerable amount of concern for potential privacy leakage. How to protect data privacy and simultaneously maintain management of the image remains challenging. Motivated by the above challenge, we propose an image encryption algorithm based on chaotic system, CS and image saliency. In our scheme, More >

  • Open Access


    Heterogeneous Memristive Models Design and Its Application in Information Security

    Shaojiang Zhong1, *

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.60, No.2, pp. 465-479, 2019, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2019.05853

    Abstract Based on the three-dimensional classic Chua circuit, a nonlinear circuit containing two flux-control memristors is designed. Due to the difference in the design of the characteristic equation of the two magnetron memristors, their position form a symmetrical structure with respect to the capacitor. The existence of chaotic properties is proved by analyzing the stability of the system, including Lyapunov exponent, equilibrium point, eigenvalue, Poincare map, power spectrum, bifurcation diagram et al. Theoretical analysis and numerical calculation show that this heterogeneous memristive model is a hyperchaotic five-dimensional nonlinear dynamical system and has a strong chaotic behavior. More >

  • Open Access


    Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Based on Block Classification Permutation

    Qun Mo1, Heng Yao1, Fang Cao2, Zheng Chang3, Chuan Qin1,*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.59, No.1, pp. 119-133, 2019, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2019.05770

    Abstract Recently, reversible data hiding in encrypted image (RDHEI) has attracted extensive attention, which can be used in secure cloud computing and privacy protection effectively. In this paper, a novel RDHEI scheme based on block classification and permutation is proposed. Content owner first divides original image into non-overlapping blocks and then set a threshold to classify these blocks into smooth and non-smooth blocks respectively. After block classification, content owner utilizes a specific encryption method, including stream cipher encryption and block permutation to protect image content securely. For the encrypted image, data hider embeds additional secret information… More >

  • Open Access


    A GLCM-Feature-Based Approach for Reversible Image Transformation

    Xianyi Chen1,2,*, Haidong Zhong1,2, Zhifeng Bao3

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.59, No.1, pp. 239-255, 2019, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2019.03572

    Abstract Recently, a reversible image transformation (RIT) technology that transforms a secret image to a freely-selected target image is proposed. It not only can generate a stego-image that looks similar to the target image, but also can recover the secret image without any loss. It also has been proved to be very useful in image content protection and reversible data hiding in encrypted images. However, the standard deviation (SD) is selected as the only feature during the matching of the secret and target image blocks in RIT methods, the matching result is not so good and… More >

  • Open Access


    Reversible Data Hiding in Classification-Scrambling Encrypted-Image Based on Iterative Recovery

    Yuyu Chen1, Bangxu Yin2, Hongjie He2, Shu Yan2, Fan Chen2,*, Hengming Tai3

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.56, No.2, pp. 299-312, 2018, DOI:10.3970/cmc.2018.03179

    Abstract To improve the security and quality of decrypted images, this work proposes a reversible data hiding in encrypted image based on iterative recovery. The encrypted image is firstly generated by the pixel classification scrambling and bit-wise exclusive-OR (XOR), which improves the security of encrypted images. And then, a pixel-type-mark generation method based on block-compression is designed to reduce the extra burden of key management and transfer. At last, an iterative recovery strategy is proposed to optimize the marked decrypted image, which allows the original image to be obtained only using the encryption key. The proposed More >

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