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Search Results (101)
  • Open Access


    Attenuate Class Imbalance Problem for Pneumonia Diagnosis Using Ensemble Parallel Stacked Pre-Trained Models

    Aswathy Ravikumar, Harini Sriraman*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.75, No.1, pp. 891-909, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.035848 - 06 February 2023

    Abstract Pneumonia is an acute lung infection that has caused many fatalities globally. Radiologists often employ chest X-rays to identify pneumonia since they are presently the most effective imaging method for this purpose. Computer-aided diagnosis of pneumonia using deep learning techniques is widely used due to its effectiveness and performance. In the proposed method, the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) approach is used to eliminate the class imbalance in the X-ray dataset. To compensate for the paucity of accessible data, pre-trained transfer learning is used, and an ensemble Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model is developed. The More >

  • Open Access


    End-to-End 2D Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Lung Nodule Identification and Abnormal Detection in Cloud

    Safdar Ali1, Saad Asad1, Zeeshan Asghar1, Atif Ali1, Dohyeun Kim2,*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.75, No.1, pp. 461-475, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.035672 - 06 February 2023

    Abstract The extent of the peril associated with cancer can be perceived from the lack of treatment, ineffective early diagnosis techniques, and most importantly its fatality rate. Globally, cancer is the second leading cause of death and among over a hundred types of cancer; lung cancer is the second most common type of cancer as well as the leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Anyhow, an accurate lung cancer diagnosis in a timely manner can elevate the likelihood of survival by a noticeable margin and medical imaging is a prevalent manner of cancer diagnosis since it is… More >

  • Open Access


    LexDeep: Hybrid Lexicon and Deep Learning Sentiment Analysis Using Twitter for Unemployment-Related Discussions During COVID-19

    Azlinah Mohamed1,3,*, Zuhaira Muhammad Zain2, Hadil Shaiba2,*, Nazik Alturki2, Ghadah Aldehim2, Sapiah Sakri2, Saiful Farik Mat Yatin1, Jasni Mohamad Zain1

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.75, No.1, pp. 1577-1601, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.034746 - 06 February 2023

    Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has spread globally, resulting in financial instability in many countries and reductions in the per capita gross domestic product. Sentiment analysis is a cost-effective method for acquiring sentiments based on household income loss, as expressed on social media. However, limited research has been conducted in this domain using the LexDeep approach. This study aimed to explore social trend analytics using LexDeep, which is a hybrid sentiment analysis technique, on Twitter to capture the risk of household income loss during the COVID-19 pandemic. First, tweet data were collected using Twint with relevant keywords… More >

  • Open Access


    Combined Effect of Concept Drift and Class Imbalance on Model Performance During Stream Classification

    Abdul Sattar Palli1,6,*, Jafreezal Jaafar1,2, Manzoor Ahmed Hashmani1,3, Heitor Murilo Gomes4,5, Aeshah Alsughayyir7, Abdul Rehman Gilal1

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.75, No.1, pp. 1827-1845, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.033934 - 06 February 2023

    Abstract Every application in a smart city environment like the smart grid, health monitoring, security, and surveillance generates non-stationary data streams. Due to such nature, the statistical properties of data changes over time, leading to class imbalance and concept drift issues. Both these issues cause model performance degradation. Most of the current work has been focused on developing an ensemble strategy by training a new classifier on the latest data to resolve the issue. These techniques suffer while training the new classifier if the data is imbalanced. Also, the class imbalance ratio may change greatly from… More >

  • Open Access


    Comparative Analysis of the Photosynthetic Characteristics and Active Compounds of Semiliquidambar cathayensis Chang Heteromorphic Leaves

    Xiaoming Tian*, Guangfeng Xiang, Hao Lv, Jing Peng, Lu Zhu

    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.92, No.3, pp. 837-850, 2023, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2023.024408 - 29 November 2022

    Abstract In the present study, the variation patterns of leaf shape in different populations of individual Semiliquidambar cathayensis plants were analyzed to investigate the relationship among leaf shape variation, photosynthetic properties, and active compounds to understand the genetic characteristics of S. cathayensis and screen elite germplasms. The leaf shape of 18 offspring from three natural S. cathayensis populations was analyzed to investigate the level of diversity and variation patterns of leaf shape. Furthermore, photosynthetic pigment content, physiological parameters of photosynthesis, and the active compounds in leaves of different shapes were determined. Statistical analysis showed that the leaf shape variation in  S.More >

  • Open Access


    Enhanced Coyote Optimization with Deep Learning Based Cloud-Intrusion Detection System

    Abdullah M. Basahel1, Mohammad Yamin1, Sulafah M. Basahel2, E. Laxmi Lydia3,*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.74, No.2, pp. 4319-4336, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.033497 - 31 October 2022

    Abstract Cloud Computing (CC) is the preference of all information technology (IT) organizations as it offers pay-per-use based and flexible services to its users. But the privacy and security become the main hindrances in its achievement due to distributed and open architecture that is prone to intruders. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) refers to one of the commonly utilized system for detecting attacks on cloud. IDS proves to be an effective and promising technique, that identifies malicious activities and known threats by observing traffic data in computers, and warnings are given when such threats were identified. The… More >

  • Open Access


    Fuzzy Firefly Based Intelligent Algorithm for Load Balancing in Mobile Cloud Computing

    Poonam*, Suman Sangwan

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.74, No.1, pp. 1783-1799, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.031729 - 22 September 2022

    Abstract This paper presents a novel fuzzy firefly-based intelligent algorithm for load balancing in mobile cloud computing while reducing makespan. The proposed technique implicitly acts intelligently by using inherent traits of fuzzy and firefly. It automatically adjusts its behavior or converges depending on the information gathered during the search process and objective function. It works for 3-tier architecture, including cloudlet and public cloud. As cloudlets have limited resources, fuzzy logic is used for cloudlet selection using capacity and waiting time as input. Fuzzy provides human-like decisions without using any mathematical model. Firefly is a powerful meta-heuristic… More >

  • Open Access


    An Imbalanced Dataset and Class Overlapping Classification Model for Big Data

    Mini Prince1,*, P. M. Joe Prathap2

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.44, No.2, pp. 1009-1024, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.024277 - 15 June 2022

    Abstract Most modern technologies, such as social media, smart cities, and the internet of things (IoT), rely on big data. When big data is used in the real-world applications, two data challenges such as class overlap and class imbalance arises. When dealing with large datasets, most traditional classifiers are stuck in the local optimum problem. As a result, it’s necessary to look into new methods for dealing with large data collections. Several solutions have been proposed for overcoming this issue. The rapid growth of the available data threatens to limit the usefulness of many traditional methods.… More >

  • Open Access


    Hybrid Deep Learning Based Attack Detection for Imbalanced Data Classification

    Rasha Almarshdi1,2,*, Laila Nassef1, Etimad Fadel1, Nahed Alowidi1

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.35, No.1, pp. 297-320, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.026799 - 06 June 2022

    Abstract Internet of Things (IoT) is the most widespread and fastest growing technology today. Due to the increasing of IoT devices connected to the Internet, the IoT is the most technology under security attacks. The IoT devices are not designed with security because they are resource constrained devices. Therefore, having an accurate IoT security system to detect security attacks is challenging. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) using machine learning and deep learning techniques can detect security attacks accurately. This paper develops an IDS architecture based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) deep learning… More >

  • Open Access


    Generation and Simulation of Basic Maneuver Action Library for 6-DOF Aircraft by Reinforcement Learning

    Jinlin Wang1, Jitao Teng3, Yang He1, Hongyu Yang1,*, Yulong Ji2,*, Zhikun Tang4, Ningwei Bai5

    Journal on Internet of Things, Vol.4, No.2, pp. 85-98, 2022, DOI:10.32604/jiot.2022.031043 - 28 March 2023

    Abstract The development of modern air combat requires aircraft to have certain intelligent decision-making ability. In some of the existing solutions, the automatic control of aircraft is mostly composed of the upper mission decision and the lower control system. Although the underlying PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) based controller has a good performance in stable conditions, it lacks stability in complex environments. So, we need to design a new system for the problem of aircraft decision making. Studies have shown that the behavior of an aircraft can be viewed as a combination of several basic maneuvers. The More >

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