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Search Results (693)
  • Open Access


    TNFα increases in vitro migration of human HPV18-positive SW756 cervical carcinoma cells


    BIOCELL, Vol.29, No.3, pp. 303-311, 2005, DOI:10.32604/biocell.2005.29.303

    Abstract TNFα has been associated with both, tumor survival and apoptosis. This cytokine is also involved in promoting cell migration during wound healing and tumorigenesis. SW756 is a HPV18-positive cervical carcinoma cell line, which has been used to study different mechanisms of cervical cancer progression. An in vitro assay of scratch wound healing onto monolayers of SW756 cells was used to assess the effect of TNFα on cell migration into a wound space. It was found that SW756 cells have the ability to migrate, but not proliferate in response to scratch wounding in a serum-free medium supplemented More >

  • Open Access


    Melanoma Cell Extravasation under Flow Conditions Is Modulated by Leukocytes and Endogenously Produced Interleukin 8

    Cheng Dong1,2,3, Margaret J. Slattery2,3, Shile Liang3, Hsin-Hsin Peng2

    Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, Vol.2, No.3, pp. 145-160, 2005, DOI:10.3970/mcb.2005.002.145

    Abstract Attachment of tumor cells to the endothelium (EC) under flow conditions is critical for the migration of tumor cells out of the vascular system to establish metastases. Innate immune system processes can potentially promote tumor progression through inflammation dependant mechanisms.\nobreakspace {} White blood cells, neutrophils (PMN) in particular, are being studied to better understand how the host immune system affects cancer cell adhesion and subsequent migration and metastasis. Melanoma cell interaction with the EC is distinct from PMN-EC adhesion in the circulation. We found PMN increased melanoma cell extravasation, which involved initial PMN tethering on… More >

  • Open Access


    Fine structural study of the red seaweed Gymnogongrus torulosus (Phyllophoraceae, Rhodophyta)

    José M. Estevez*, Eduardo J. Cáceres**

    BIOCELL, Vol.27, No.2, pp. 181-187, 2003, DOI:10.32604/biocell.2003.27.181

    Abstract The present study analyzed several characters of the red seaweed Gymnogongrus torulosus, such as cellular structure of the thallus, cuticle, pit plug and cell wall ultrastructure, and morphology of some organelles like plastids, Golgi bodies and mitochondria. Also, anomalous chloroplasts with thylakoid disorganization were found in medullary cells. The significance of this thylakoid disposition is still unclear. This is one of the first studies focused on the fine structure of a red alga recorded in Argentina. More >

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