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  • Open Access


    Simulation of Sloshing with the Volume of Fluid Method

    M.H. Djavareshkian1, M. Khalili2

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.2, No.4, pp. 299-308, 2006, DOI:10.3970/fdmp.2006.002.299

    Abstract This paper opens a new horizon on the simulation of sloshing phenomena. One of the most popular Finite Volume methods called VOF (Volume Of Fluid) method is used for tracking the flow in containers. The algorithm is tested for different fluid elevations, physical conditions in different road curves and liquid properties. The method is then validated against an analytical and another numerical solution. These comparisons show that the VOF can effectively solve the sloshing problem for different fluids and a variety of physical and geometrical conditions. More >

  • Open Access


    Reliable Fracture Analysis of OF 2-D Crack Problems Using NI-MVCCI Technique

    G.S. Palani1, Nagesh R. Iyer1, B. Dattaguru2

    Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, Vol.1, No.2, pp. 107-120, 2005, DOI:10.3970/sdhm.2005.001.107

    Abstract A posteriori error estimation and adaptive refinement technique for 2-D/3-D crack problems is the state-of-the-art. In this paper a new a posteriori error estimator based on strain energy release rate (SERR) or stress intensity factor (SIF) at the crack tip region has been proposed and used along with the stress based error estimator for reliable fracture analysis of 2-D crack problems. The proposed a posteriori error estimator is called the K-S error estimator. Further, h-adaptive mesh refinement strategy which can be used with K-S error estimator has been proposed for fracture analysis of 2-D crack problems. The performance More >

  • Open Access


    Criteria for the Assessment of Multiple Site Damage in Ageing Aircraft

    P. Horst1

    Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 49-66, 2005, DOI:10.3970/sdhm.2005.001.049

    Abstract The paper presents a Monte Carlo Simulation method for the assessment of Multiple Site Damage (MSD) and a subsequent attempt to find a way to interpret intermediate results of the Monte Carlo Simulation with respect to the criticality of scenarios. The basic deterministic part of the model is based on the compounding method, which is used in order to gain an acceptable computational effort. Some examples illustrate features of MSD scenarios and this allows to check an approach for feature detection via Wavelet transforms. This Wavelet transform approach shows some positive results in the interpretation More >

  • Open Access


    Shear Force at the Cell-Matrix Interface: Enhanced Analysis for Microfabricated Post Array Detectors

    Christopher A. Lemmon1,2, Nathan J. Sniadecki3, Sami Alom Ruiz1,3, John L. Tan, Lewis H. Romer2,4,5, Christopher S. Chen3,4

    Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 1-16, 2005, DOI:10.3970/mcb.2005.002.001

    Abstract The interplay of mechanical forces between the extracellular environment and the cytoskeleton drives development, repair, and senescence in many tissues. Quantitative definition of these forces is a vital step in understanding cellular mechanosensing. Microfabricated post array detectors (mPADs) provide direct measurements of cell-generated forces during cell adhesion to extracellular matrix. A new approach to mPAD post labeling, volumetric imaging, and an analysis of post bending mechanics determined that cells apply shear forces and not point moments at the matrix interface. In addition, these forces could be accurately resolved from post deflections by using images of More >

  • Open Access


    Coupled Analysis of Independently Modeled Finite Element Substructures by Moving Least Squares Displacement Welding Technique

    Jin Yeon Cho1, Jae Mo An2, You Me Song1, Seungsoo Lee1, Dong Whan Choi1

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.9, No.1, pp. 1-18, 2005, DOI:10.3970/cmes.2005.009.001

    Abstract A displacement welding technique is proposed to carry out coupled analysis of the integrated whole model which consists of independently modeled finite element substructures. In the proposed method, the incompatible displacement fields in the interfaces of independently modeled substructures are directly welded together through a blended function that is newly defined in the transient region of mismatching interface. To construct the blended function, the moving least squares function, which does not require well-defined nodal connectivity, is utilized along with the original finite element shape function. The meshless character of the moving least squares function makes More >

  • Open Access


    On the use of a wave based prediction technique for steady-state structural-acoustic radiation analysis

    B. Pluymers1, W. Desmet1, D. Vandepitte1, P. Sas1

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.7, No.2, pp. 173-184, 2005, DOI:10.3970/cmes.2005.007.173

    Abstract Conventional element based methods for modelling structural-acoustic radiation problems are limited to low-frequency applications. Recently, a novel prediction technique has been developed based on the indirect Trefftz approach. This new wave based method is computationally more efficient than the element based methods and, as a consequence, can tackle problems also at higher frequencies. This paper discusses the basic principles of the new method and illustrates its performance for the two-dimensional radiation analysis of a bass-reflex loudspeaker. More >

  • Open Access


    Biophysical approaches for studying the integrity and function of tight junctions

    S.R.K. Vedula1, T.S. Lim2, P.J. Kausalya3, W. Hunziker3, G. Rajagopal2, C.T. Lim1,4

    Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, Vol.2, No.3, pp. 105-124, 2005, DOI:10.3970/mcb.2005.002.105

    Abstract Cell-cell adhesion is an extremely important phenomenon as it influences several biologically important processes such as inflammation, cell migration, proliferation, differentiation and even cancer metastasis. Furthermore, proteins involved in cell-cell adhesion are also important from the perspective of facilitating better drug delivery across epithelia. The adhesion forces imparted by proteins involved in cell-cell adhesion have been the focus of research for sometime. However, with the advent of nanotechnological techniques such as the atomic force microscopy (AFM), we can now quantitatively probe these adhesion forces not only at the cellular but also molecular level. Here, we More >

  • Open Access


    Recent Advances in Numerical Simulation Technologies for Various Dynamic Fracture Phenomena

    Toshihisa Nishioka 1,

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.10, No.3, pp. 209-216, 2005, DOI:10.3970/cmes.2005.010.209

    Abstract Recent Advances in Numerical Simulation Technologies for Various Dynamic Fracture Phenomena are summarized. First, the basic concepts of fracture simulations are explained together with pertinent simulation results. Next, Examples of dynamic fracture simulations are presented. More >

  • Open Access


    Review: Possible strategies for the control and stabilization of Marangoni flow in laterally heated floating zones

    Marcello Lappa1

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.1, No.2, pp. 171-188, 2005, DOI:10.3970/fdmp.2005.001.171

    Abstract The paper presents a comparative and critical analysis of some theoretical/experimental/numerical arguments concerning the possible stabilization of the surface-tension-driven (Marangoni) flow in the Floating Zone technique and in various related fluid-dynamic models. It is conceived as a natural extension of the focused overview published in Cryst. Res. Tech. 40(6), 531, (2005) where much room was devoted to discuss the intrinsic physical mechanisms responsible for three-dimensional and oscillatory flows in a variety of technological processes. Here, a significant effort is provided to illustrate the genesis of possible control strategies (many of which are still in a More >

  • Open Access


    Protein detection in spermatids and spermatozoa of the butterfly Euptoieta hegesia (Lepidoptera)


    BIOCELL, Vol.28, No.3, pp. 299-310, 2004, DOI:10.32604/biocell.2004.28.299

    Abstract This study was undertaken to detect protein components in both sperm types of the butterfly Euptoieta hegesia. These spermatozoa possess complex extracellular structures for which the composition and functional significance are still unclear. In the apyrene sperm head, the proteic cap presented an external ring and an internal dense content; basic proteins were detected only in external portions. In the tail, the paracrystalline core of mitochondrial derivatives and the axoneme are rich in proteins. The extratesticular spermatozoa are covered by a proteic coat, which presented two distinct layers. In eupyrene spermatozoa, acrosome and nucleus were negatively… More >

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