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Search Results (113)
  • Open Access


    Permissible Wind Conditions for Optimal Dynamic Soaring with a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

    Liu Duo-Neng1,2, Hou Zhong-Xi1, Guo Zheng1, Yang Xi-Xiang1, Gao Xian-Zhong1

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.111, No.6, pp. 531-565, 2016, DOI:10.3970/cmes.2016.111.531 - 01 March 2022

    Abstract Dynamic soaring is a flight maneuver to exploit gradient wind field to extend endurance and traveling distance. Optimal trajectories for permissible wind conditions are generated for loitering dynamic soaring as well as for traveling patterns with a small unmanned aerial vehicle. The efficient direct collection approach based on the Runge-Kutta integrator is used to solve the optimization problem. The fast convergence of the optimization process leads to the potential for real-time applications. Based on the results of trajectory optimizations, the general permissible wind conditions which involve the allowable power law exponents and feasible reference wind… More >

  • Open Access


    Long Endurance and Long Distance Trajectory Optimization for Engineless UAV by Dynamic Soaring

    B. J. Zhu1,2, Z. X. Hou1, X. Z. Wang3, Q. Y. Chen1

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.106, No.5, pp. 357-377, 2015, DOI:10.3970/cmes.2015.106.357

    Abstract The paper presents a comprehensive study on the performance of long endurance and long distance trajectory optimization of engineless UAV in dynamic soaring. A dynamic model of engineless UAV in gradient wind field is developed. Long endurance and long distance trajectory optimization problems are modelled by non-linear optimal control equations. Two different boundary conditions are considered and results are compared: (i) open long endurance pattern, (ii) closed long endurance pattern, (iii) open long distance pattern. In patterns of (i) and (ii), the UAV return to original position with the maximum flying time in pattern (ii) More >

  • Open Access


    The Direction Zone of Engineless UAVs in Dynamic Soaring

    B. J. Zhu1,2, Z. X. Hou1, Y. F. Lu1, S. Q. Shan1

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.105, No.6, pp. 467-490, 2015, DOI:10.3970/cmes.2015.105.467

    Abstract This paper mainly analyzes the dynamic soaring of UAV utilizing gradient wind. Dynamic soaring is an efficient path in which UAV absorbs energy from environment to enhance its flight endurance. A set of three-dimensional point dynamic equations for a soaring aircraft in three degrees of freedom is used in calculations. To simplify the calculation, the gradient wind’s direction is taken into decomposition. The notion of trajectory subsection analysis is applied to account for the energy transformation mechanism during the dynamic soaring, and the zone of direction is converted into cutting-in angle, which is regarded as More >

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