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Search Results (327)
  • Open Access


    The Influence of Supervisor’s Transformational Leadership and Followers’ Occupational Well-Being: A Dual Pathway Model from a Conservation of Resources Theory

    Yanmin Zhao, Baoguo Xie*, Wenyuan Jin

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.20, No.1, pp. 15-26, 2018, DOI:10.32604/IJMHP.2018.010747

    Abstract Occupational well-being is optimal psychological functioning and experience in the workplace. This study examined the role of opportunities for career development as a mechanism that links supervisor’s transformational leadership and subordinates’ occupational well-being manifested by work engagement. Specifically, drawing on conservation of resources theory (COR), we developed a dual pathway model in which opportunities for promotion and for professional development were posited as two important mediators in the relationship between transformational leadership and work engagement. The hypotheses were tested with a sample of 215 Chinese civil servants. The results of structural equation modeling showed that More >

  • Open Access


    Development of quality metrics for ambulatory care in pediatric patients with tetralogy of Fallot

    Juan Villafane1, Thomas C. Edwards2, Karim A. Diab3, Gary M. Satou4, Elizabeth Saarel5, Wyman W. Lai6, Gerald A. Serwer7, Peter P. Karpawich8, Russell Cross9, Russell Schiff10, Devyani Chowdhury11, Thomas J. Hougen12

    Congenital Heart Disease, Vol.12, No.6, pp. 762-767, 2017, DOI:10.1111/chd.12523

    Abstract Objective: The objective of this study was to develop quality metrics (QMs) relating to the ambulatory care of children after complete repair of tetralogy of Fallot (TOF).
    Design: A workgroup team (WT) of pediatric cardiologists with expertise in all aspects of ambulatory cardiac management was formed at the request of the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the Adult Congenital and Pediatric Cardiology Council (ACPC), to review published guidelines and consensus data relating to the ambulatory care of repaired TOF patients under the age of 18 years. A set of quality metrics (QMs) was proposed by the… More >

  • Open Access


    Improvement in perioperative care in pediatric cardiac surgery by shifting the primary focus of treatment from cardiac output to perfusion pressure: Are beta stimulants still needed?

    Amir-Reza Hosseinpour1, Mathieu van Steenberghe1, Marc-André Bernath2, Stefano Di Bernardo3, Marie-Hélène Pérez4, David Longchamp4, Mirko Dolci2, Yann Boegli2, Nicole Sekarski3, Javier Orrit1, Michel Hurni1, René Prêtre1, Jacques Cotting4

    Congenital Heart Disease, Vol.12, No.5, pp. 570-577, 2017, DOI:10.1111/chd.12485

    Abstract Objective: An important aspect of perioperative care in pediatric cardiac surgery is maintenance of optimal hemodynamic status using vasoactive/inotropic agents. Conventionally, this has focused on maintenance of cardiac output rather than perfusion pressure. However, this approach has been abandoned in our center in favor of one focusing primarily on perfusion pressure, which is presented here and compared to the conventional approach.
    Design: A retrospective study.
    Setting: Regional center for congenital heart disease. University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland.
    Patients: All patients with Aristotle risk score ≥8 that underwent surgery from 1996 to 2012 were included. Patients operated between 1996 and… More >

  • Open Access


    Transatlantic medical consultation and second opinion in pediatric cardiology has benefit past patient care: A case study in videoconferencing

    Lubica Kovacikova1, Martin Zahorec1, Peter Skrak1, Brian D. Hanna2, R. Lee Vogel2

    Congenital Heart Disease, Vol.12, No.4, pp. 491-496, 2017, DOI:10.1111/chd.12480

    Abstract Background: Telemedicine is a rapidly evolving form of modern information and communication technology used to deliver clinical services and educational activities.
    Objective: The aim of this article is to report and analyze our experience with transatlantic consultation via videoconferencing in pediatric cardiology.
    Methods: In February, 2013, videoconferencing project was launched between a medium-volume pediatric cardiac center in Bratislava, Slovakia and subspecialty experts from a high-volume pediatric cardiac program at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), USA. During 1.5–2 hours videoconferences, 2–3 patients with similar complex clinical scenarios were presented to CHOP experts. The main goal of the project… More >

  • Open Access


    Preparing adolescents with heart problems for transition to adult care, 2009–2010 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs

    Karrie F. Downing1,2, Matthew E. Oster1,3, Sherry L. Farr1

    Congenital Heart Disease, Vol.12, No.4, pp. 497-506, 2017, DOI:10.1111/chd.12476

    Abstract Objective: A substantial percentage of children with congenital heart disease (CHD) fail to transfer to adult care, resulting in increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Transition planning discussions with a provider may increase rates of transfer, yet little is known about frequency and content of these discussions. We assessed prevalence and predictors of transition-related discussions between providers and parents of children with special healthcare needs (CSHCN) and heart problems, including CHD.
    Design: Using parent-reported data on 12- to 17-year-olds from the 2009–2010 National Survey of CSHCN, we calculated adjusted prevalence ratios (aPR) for associations between demographic factors… More >

  • Open Access


    Current trends in racial, ethnic, and healthcare disparities associated with pediatric cardiac surgery outcomes

    Jennifer K. Peterson1, Yanjun Chen2, Danh V. Nguyen3, Shaun P. Setty1

    Congenital Heart Disease, Vol.12, No.4, pp. 520-532, 2017, DOI:10.1111/chd.12475

    Abstract Objective: Despite overall improvements in congenital heart disease outcomes, racial and ethnic disparities have continued. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of race and ethnicity, as well as other risk factors on congenital heart surgery length of stay and in-hospital mortality.
    Design: From the 2012 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Kids Inpatient Database (KID), we identified 13 130 records with Risk Adjustment in Congenital Heart Surgery complexity scoreeligible procedures. Multivariate logistic and linear regression modeling with survey weights, stratification and clustering was used to examine the relationships between predictor variables and length of… More >

  • Open Access


    Predicting long-term mortality after Fontan procedures: A risk score based on 6707 patients from 28 studies

    Tarek Alsaied1, Jouke P. Bokma2, Mark E. Engel3, Joey M. Kuijpers2, Samuel P. Hanke1, Liesl Zuhlke4, Bin Zhang5, Gruschen R. Veldtman6

    Congenital Heart Disease, Vol.12, No.4, pp. 393-398, 2017, DOI:10.1111/chd.12468

    Abstract Background: Reported long-term outcome measures vary greatly between studies in Fontan patients making comprehensive appraisal of mortality hazard challenging. We sought to create a clinical risk score to assist monitoring of Fontan patients in the outpatient setting.
    Methods: A systematic review was conducted to evaluate risk factors for long-term (beyond the first postoperative year) mortality in Fontan patients. Studies were eligible for inclusion if ≥90 patients were included or ≥20 long-term mortalities we reported. Risk factors for long-term mortality were determined. The pooled hazard ratios were used to create components of a clinical score for long-term mortality… More >

  • Open Access


    Building a comprehensive team for the longitudinal care of single ventricle heart defects: Building blocks and initial results

    Karen Texter1,2, Jo Ann M. Davis1, Christina Phelps1,2, Sharon Cheatham1,2, John Cheatham1,2, Mark Galantowicz1,3, Timothy F. Feltes1,2

    Congenital Heart Disease, Vol.12, No.4, pp. 403-410, 2017, DOI:10.1111/chd.12459

    Abstract Introduction: With increasing survival of children with HLHS and other single ventricle lesions, the complexity of medical care for these patients is substantial. Establishing and adhering to best practice models may improve outcome, but requires careful coordination and monitoring.
    Methods: In 2013 our Heart Center began a process to build a comprehensive Single Ventricle Team designed to target these difficult issues.
    Results: Comprehensive Single Ventricle Team in 2014 was begun, to standardize care for children with single ventricle heart defects from diagnosis to adulthood within our institution. The team is a multidisciplinary group of providers committed to improving… More >

  • Open Access


    Speaking to children and their families about congenital heart disease: Ushering in a new era of healthcare literacy

    Daniel J Penny

    Congenital Heart Disease, Vol.12, No.3, pp. 241-241, 2017, DOI:10.1111/chd.12474

    Abstract This article has no abstract. More >

  • Open Access


    Improving the quality of transition and transfer of care in young adults with congenital heart disease

    Ian K. Everitt1, Jennifer F. Gerardin2, Fred H. Rodriguez2,3, Wendy M. Book2

    Congenital Heart Disease, Vol.12, No.3, pp. 242-25, 2017, DOI:10.1111/chd.12463

    Abstract The transition and transfer from pediatric to adult care is becoming increasingly important as improvements in the diagnosis and management of congenital heart disease allow patients to live longer. Transition is a complex and continuous process that requires careful planning. Inadequate transition has adverse effects on patients, their families and healthcare delivery systems. Currently, significant gaps exist in patient care as adolescents transfer to adult care and there are little data to drive the informed management of transition and transfer of care in adolescent congenital heart disease patients. Appropriate congenital heart disease care has been… More >

Displaying 311-320 on page 32 of 327. Per Page