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Search Results (81)
  • Open Access


    Acceptability and Feasibility of YouthCHAT to Detect Psychosocial Problems in Young People with Congenital Heart Disease

    Hiran Thabrew1,*, Harshali Kumar1, Vanessa Garcia-Hoyos2, Felicity Goodyear-Smith3

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.23, No.2, pp. 221-230, 2021, DOI:10.32604/IJMHP.2021.015033 - 30 April 2021

    Abstract Objective: Young people with congenital heart disease (CHD) are at increased risk of psychosocial issues, including anxiety and depression that can affect their medical care and quality of life. This open trial investigated the acceptability, feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of YouthCHAT, a tablet-based screener, designed to identify similar issues to a face to face psychosocial assessment, with young people who have CHD. Methods: YouthCHAT was administered to 44 such young people aged 15–25 years attending a specialist outpatient clinic at a New Zealand tertiary hospital. Key outcomes were (i) acceptability and (ii) feasibility of YouthCHAT, assessed… More >

  • Open Access


    Mental Health Impacts of Information and Communication Technology Usage in South Africa

    Akinboade Oludele Akinloye1,*, Obareng Baldwin Manoko2, Mmafani Serote2, Trevor Taft3

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.23, No.2, pp. 255-276, 2021, DOI:10.32604/IJMHP.2021.011111 - 30 April 2021

    Abstract This study examined mental health issues affecting the group of individuals who are in the social media contact list of the researchers. This was done by administering a closed structured questionnaire, covering information from participants’ demographic characteristics, duration of time spent on ICT usage, to their perceived health effects thereof. Male respondents, largely unemployed are active ICT users, addicted to the Internet, and also suffer from unspecified ailments. Aged 31–35 and above, half of men and all women participants spend more than 5 h per day. High-intensive ICT use is associated, in general, with concurrent… More >

  • Open Access


    Automatic Sleep Staging Based on EEG-EOG Signals for Depression Detection

    Jiahui Pan1,6,*, Jianhao Zhang1, Fei Wang1,6, Wuhan Liu2, Haiyun Huang3,6, Weishun Tang3, Huijian Liao4, Man Li5, Jianhui Wu1, Xueli Li2, Dongming Quan2, Yuanqing Li3,6

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.28, No.1, pp. 53-71, 2021, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2021.015970 - 17 March 2021

    Abstract In this paper, an automatic sleep scoring system based on electroencephalogram (EEG) and electrooculogram (EOG) signals was proposed for sleep stage classification and depression detection. Our automatic sleep stage classification method contained preprocessing based on independent component analysis, feature extraction including spectral features, spectral edge frequency features, absolute spectral power, statistical features, Hjorth features, maximum-minimum distance and energy features, and a modified ReliefF feature selection. Finally, a support vector machine was employed to classify four states (awake, light sleep [LS], slow-wave sleep [SWS] and rapid eye movement [REM]). The overall accuracy of the Sleep-EDF database More >

  • Open Access


    Association of Physical Activity, Screen Time and Sleep with Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents

    Qiang Sun1, Xuzhi Zhan2,*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.23, No.1, pp. 75-86, 2021, DOI:10.32604/IJMHP.2021.014634 - 19 February 2021

    Abstract Little is known on the association between movement behaviors including physical activity (PA), screen time (ST) and sleep (SLP) with depression in adolescents. This study aimed to explore the associations of PA, ST and SLP with depressive symptoms in adolescents. A total of 1,331 middle school students participated in this survey and provided valid data pertaining to the study variables. Self-reported questionnaires were used to collect information on participants’ sociodemographic parameters. The Health Behavior in School-aged Children Questionnaire was used to assess the PA (days for moderate to vigorous PA), ST (daily hours of ST)… More >

  • Open Access


    Formal Volunteering and Mental Health in South Korea: Does Age Matter?

    Manacy Pai1, Joongbaeck Kim2,*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.23, No.1, pp. 27-42, 2021, DOI:10.32604/IJMHP.2021.011996 - 19 February 2021

    Abstract Extensive research shows a positive association between formal volunteering and mental health and this association is stronger for older adults compared to their younger peers. The purpose of our study is to re-examine the link between formal volunteering, age, and mental health in a non-western society, South Korea. We employ two recent waves—years 2012-13 -- of nationally representative data from the Korea Welfare Panel Survey to test the extent to which the relationship between formal volunteering and mental health, as measured by depression, varies across two non-elderly age groups—young adults (18–35) and those middle-aged (36–55). More >

  • Open Access


    Loneliness in Older Chilean People: Importance of Family Dysfunction and Depression

    Marcela Carrasco1,*, MBeatriz Fernández2, Emma Alexander3, MSoledad Herrera2

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.23, No.1, pp. 99-109, 2021, DOI:10.32604/IJMHP.2021.011568 - 19 February 2021

    Abstract Loneliness is considered a public health problem that negatively affects wellbeing, especially in the older population. In Latin-American countries, most of the older population live with their family. Although this is thought to diminish feelings of loneliness, there is scarce data to support this. The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of loneliness and evaluate its association with objective social networks, family functioning and perception of social support, in a sample of older people from Santiago, Chile. A survey was conducted of a representative sample of community older people (60–97 years) from… More >

  • Open Access


    Between Chronic Diseases and Geriatric Depression: Mediational Effects of Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Disability Among Older Adults

    Yi Yang1,2,* , Tao Li3

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.22, No.4, pp. 249-259, 2020, DOI:10.32604/IJMHP.2020.014321 - 22 December 2020

    Abstract This study is aimed to explore relations between chronic diseases, activities of daily living (ADLs) disability and depression among older adults, particularly ADLs disability mediational effects on the correlation between chronic diseases and geriatric depression. Records of 5931 participants at age 60 and above from China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) in 2015 were used as valid samples for data relating to their chronic diseases index, ADLs scale and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) scale. Our findings confirm that among older adults, 75.9% are afflicted with chronic diseases and 52.5% have ADLs difficulty… More >

  • Open Access


    The Impact of COVID-19 on Spanish Health Professionals: A Description of Physical and Psychological Effects

    Mònica Cunill1, Maria Aymerich1, Bernat-Carles Serdà2,*, Josefina Patiño-Masó3

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.22, No.3, pp. 185-198, 2020, DOI:10.32604/IJMHP.2020.011615 - 14 August 2020

    Abstract Aim: To describe the physical and psychological symptoms in healthcare workers caring for COVID-19 patients. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study design. A sample of 1,452 participants was collected. Sociodemographic data were recorded. Symptoms of anxiety were screened with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7), symptoms of depression were measured with the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), and finally physical symptoms were measured using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-15). Percentages, means and standard deviations, the one-way and two-way ANOVA test, the Chi square test and Pearson’s correlation coefficient were all calculated. The level of significance was (p < 0.05). Results: Medium levels… More >

  • Open Access


    Why Ignore the Dark Side of Social Media? A Role of Social Media in Spreading Corona-Phobia and Psychological Well-Being

    Saqib Amin*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.22, No.1, pp. 29-38, 2020, DOI:10.32604/IJMHP.2020.011115

    Abstract Coronaviruses are a category of associated viruses that trigger disease in mammals and birds. Human coronaviruses have been identified including severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in 2003, human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV NL63) in 2004, human coronavirus HKU1 (HKU1) in 2005, Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERSCoV) in 2012, and severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) in December, 2019. This study aims to examine whether social media at residing/admittance in quarantine ward (due to corona virus pandemic disease) affects psychological health or not? We asked questions from 250 quarantined patients infected from coronavirus (restricted More >

  • Open Access


    Community Violence Exposure, Experiential Avoidance and Depression in Chinese Adolescents

    Tao Li1, Che Tong Nah2, Fei Feng3,*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.20, No.2, pp. 67-74, 2018, DOI:10.32604/IJMHP.2018.010839

    Abstract This study aimed to investigate the link between community violence exposure, experiential avoidance and depression among Chinese adolescents. A total of 468 middle school students from China completed the Survey of Children’s Exposure to Community Violence, Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Second Edition (AAQ-II) and Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI). The results suggested that the depression was positively correlated with the level of community violence exposure and experiential avoidance, and community violence exposure was positively correlated with experiential avoidance. Mediation analysis revealed that experiential avoidance partially mediated the association between exposure to community violence and depression. These results More >

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