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Search Results (69)
  • Open Access


    Energy Efficient Load Balancing and Routing Using Multi-Objective Based Algorithm in WSN

    Hemant Kumar Vijayvergia1,*, Uma Shankar Modani2

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.35, No.3, pp. 3227-3239, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.031357 - 17 August 2022

    Abstract In wireless sensor network (WSN), the gateways which are placed far away from the base station (BS) forward the collected data to the BS through the gateways which are nearer to the BS. This leads to more energy consumption because the gateways nearer to the BS manages heavy traffic load. So, to overcome this issue, loads around the gateways are to be balanced by presenting energy efficient clustering approach. Besides, to enhance the lifetime of the network, optimal routing path is to be established between the source node and BS. For energy efficient load balancing… More >

  • Open Access


    BE-RPL: Balanced-load and Energy-efficient RPL

    S. Jagir Hussain*, M. Roopa

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.45, No.1, pp. 785-801, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.030393 - 16 August 2022

    Abstract Internet of Things (IoT) empowers imaginative applications and permits new services when mobile nodes are included. For IoT-enabled low-power and lossy networks (LLN), the Routing Protocol for Low-power and Lossy Networks (RPL) has become an established standard routing protocol. Mobility under standard RPL remains a difficult issue as it causes continuous path disturbance, energy loss, and increases the end-to-end delay in the network. In this unique circumstance, a Balanced-load and Energy-efficient RPL (BE-RPL) is proposed. It is a routing technique that is both energy-efficient and mobility-aware. It responds quicker to link breakage through received signal More >

  • Open Access


    Wireless Network Security Using Load Balanced Mobile Sink Technique

    Reem Alkanhel1, Mohamed Abouhawwash2,3, S. N. Sangeethaa4, K. Venkatachalam5, Doaa Sami Khafaga6,*

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.35, No.2, pp. 2135-2149, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.028852 - 19 July 2022

    Abstract Real-time applications based on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technologies are quickly increasing due to intelligent surroundings. Among the most significant resources in the WSN are battery power and security. Clustering strategies improve the power factor and secure the WSN environment. It takes more electricity to forward data in a WSN. Though numerous clustering methods have been developed to provide energy consumption, there is indeed a risk of unequal load balancing, resulting in a decrease in the network’s lifetime due to network inequalities and less security. These possibilities arise due to the cluster head’s limited life… More >

  • Open Access


    Fuzzy Fruit Fly Optimized Node Quality-Based Clustering Algorithm for Network Load Balancing

    P. Rahul1,*, N. Kanthimathi1, B. Kaarthick2, M. Leeban Moses1

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.44, No.2, pp. 1583-1600, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.027424 - 15 June 2022

    Abstract Recently, the fundamental problem with Hybrid Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (H-MANETs) is to find a suitable and secure way of balancing the load through Internet gateways. Moreover, the selection of the gateway and overload of the network results in packet loss and Delay (DL). For optimal performance, it is important to load balance between different gateways. As a result, a stable load balancing procedure is implemented, which selects gateways based on Fuzzy Logic (FL) and increases the efficiency of the network. In this case, since gateways are selected based on the number of nodes, the Energy More >

  • Open Access


    Artificial Intelligence Based Smart Routing in Software Defined Networks

    C. Aswini1,*, M. L. Valarmathi2

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.44, No.2, pp. 1279-1293, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.022023 - 15 June 2022

    Abstract In a non-static information exchange network, routing is an overly complex task to perform, which has to satisfy all the needs of the network. Software Defined Network (SDN) is the latest and widely used technology in the future communication networks, which would provide smart routing that is visible universally. The various features of routing are supported by the information centric network, which minimizes the congestion in the dataflow in a network and provides the content awareness through its mined mastery. Due to the advantages of the information centric network, the concepts of the information-centric network… More >

  • Open Access


    A Decision-Based Hybrid Proxy Mobile IPv6 Scheme for Better Resources Utilization

    Habib Ullah Khan1,*, Anwar Hussain2, Shah Nazir2

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 5151-5167, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.030837 - 28 July 2022

    Abstract Seamless mobility is always one of the major requirements of modern-day communication. In a heterogeneous and massive IoT environment, efficient network-based mobility protocol such as proxy mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6), is potentially a good candidate for efficient mobility as well as resource utilization efficiency. Several extensions are devised for performance in the research domain. However, a multi-criterion decision-based resource-efficient PMIPv6 extension is required to achieve efficiency when network resources are overloaded. In this research, a multi-criterion decision-based PMIPv6 scheme is devised that provides better performance when the Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) or Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) More >

  • Open Access


    An Adaptive Genetic Algorithm-Based Load Balancing-Aware Task Scheduling Technique for Cloud Computing

    Mohit Agarwal1,*, Shikha Gupta2

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6103-6119, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.030778 - 28 July 2022

    Abstract Task scheduling in highly elastic and dynamic processing environments such as cloud computing have become the most discussed problem among researchers. Task scheduling algorithms are responsible for the allocation of the tasks among the computing resources for their execution, and an inefficient task scheduling algorithm results in under-or over-utilization of the resources, which in turn leads to degradation of the services. Therefore, in the proposed work, load balancing is considered as an important criterion for task scheduling in a cloud computing environment as it can help in reducing the overhead in the critical decision-oriented process.… More >

  • Open Access


    P-ACOHONEYBEE: A Novel Load Balancer for Cloud Computing Using Mathematical Approach

    Sunday Adeola Ajagbe1, Mayowa O. Oyediran2, Anand Nayyar3,*, Jinmisayo A. Awokola4, Jehad F. Al-Amri5

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.1, pp. 1943-1959, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.028331 - 18 May 2022

    Abstract Cloud computing is a collection of disparate resources or services, a web of massive infrastructures, which is aimed at achieving maximum utilization with higher availability at a minimized cost. One of the most attractive applications for cloud computing is the concept of distributed information processing. Security, privacy, energy saving, reliability and load balancing are the major challenges facing cloud computing and most information technology innovations. Load balancing is the process of redistributing workload among all nodes in a network; to improve resource utilization and job response time, while avoiding overloading some nodes when other nodes… More >

  • Open Access


    Evolutionary Algorithm Based Adaptive Load Balancing (EA-ALB) in Cloud Computing Framework

    J. Noorul Ameen1,*, S. Jabeen Begum2

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.34, No.2, pp. 1281-1294, 2022, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2022.025137 - 03 May 2022

    Abstract In the present decade, the development of cloud computing framework is witnessed for providing computational resources by dynamic service providing methods. There are many problems in load balancing in cloud, when there is a huge demand for resources. The objective of load balancing is to equilibrate the cloud server computations for avoiding overloading problems. On addressing the issue, this paper develops a new model called Evolutionary Algorithm based Adaptive Load Balancing (EA-ALB) for enhancing the efficacy and user satisfaction of cloud services. Efficient Scheduling Scheme for the virtual machines using machine learning algorithm is proposed More >

  • Open Access


    Hybrid Invasive Weed Improved Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm for Cloud Load Balancing

    K. Naveen Durai*, R. Subha, Anandakumar Haldorai

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.34, No.1, pp. 467-483, 2022, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2022.026020 - 15 April 2022

    Abstract In cloud computing, the processes of load balancing and task scheduling are major concerns as they are the primary mechanisms responsible for executing tasks by allocating and utilizing the resources of Virtual Machines (VMs) in a more optimal way. This problem of balancing loads and scheduling tasks in the cloud computing scenario can be categorized as an NP-hard problem. This problem of load balancing needs to be efficiently allocated tasks to VMs and sustain the trade-off among the complete set of VMs. It also needs to maintain equilibrium among VMs with the objective of maximizing… More >

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