Dmitry S. Bulgarevich1,*, Susumu Tsukamoto1, Tadashi Kasuya2, Masahiko Demura1, Makoto Watanabe1,3
The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.22, No.2, pp. 122-122, 2019, DOI:10.32604/icces.2019.05271
Abstract The microstructure of steel greatly determines its mechanical properties/performance and holds information on chemical composition and processing history. Therefore, quantitative analysis of optical or SEM images on formed microstructure phases is one of the primary interests for metallurgy. So far, such analyses in laboratories are done manually by experts and are very time consuming. However, with modern microscopy techniques of automated image acquisitions over the large imaging areas and even by using of sample slicing for three-dimensional imaging, the amount of image data could be overwhelming for manual examinations. In this respect, there is a… More >