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Search Results (45)
  • Open Access


    Floristic and structural characterization of the southernmost natural population of Jubaea chilensis (Molina) Baill. in Chile

    Flores S1, A Promis2, L Faúndez3

    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.85, pp. 324-332, 2016, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2016.85.324

    Abstract Jubaea chilensis (Molina) Baill. (Chilean palm) is an endemic species in Chile. It has been classified as a vulnerable species because of the reduction and the fragmentation of its population numbers, the exploitation of the palms for the production of syrup, the indiscriminate harvest of seed for human consumption, and the reduction of the accompanying native vegetation cover. The southernmost limit of its natural distribution is located in Palmas de Tapihue (Pencahue, Maule region). The objective of this study was to benchmark the conservation status of this population and its accompanying vegetation. The population of J. chilensisMore >

  • Open Access


    Natural Fiber-Polypropylene Composites Made from Caranday Palm

    Estela Krause Sammartino1,2,3†, María Marta Reboredo4, Mirta I. Aranguren*,4

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.4, No.2, pp. 101-112, 2016, DOI:10.7569/JRM.2014.634144

    Abstract Composites made from polypropylene (PP) and local South American fibers traditionally used in yarnderived craftsmanships, Caranday Palm, were studied regarding the effect of fiber addition, concentration and characteristics of the coupling agent (molecular weight and percentage of grafted maleic anhydride), as well as type of processing. A laboratory-scale intensive mixing followed by compression, and pilot plant twin extrusion followed by injection, were the two processes investigated. The use of the first one allowed the selection of processable formulations with high fiber concentration and a percentage of coupling agent below the surface fiber saturation. In fact,… More >

  • Open Access


    Development and Characterization of the Midrib of Coconut Palm Leaf Reinforced Polyester Composite

    Neeraj Dubey1, Geeta Agnihotri1

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.45, No.1, pp. 39-56, 2015, DOI:10.3970/cmc.2015.045.039

    Abstract In this paper, midrib of coconut palm leaves (MCL) was investigated for the purpose of development of natural fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites. A new natural fiber composite as MCL/polyester is developed by the hand lay-up method, and the material and mechanical properties of the fiber, matrix and composite materials were evaluated. The effect of fiber content on the tensile, flexural, impact, compressive strength and heat distortion temperature (HDT) was investigated. It was found that the MCL fiber had the maximum tensile strength, tensile modulus flexural strength, flexural modulus and Izod impact strength of 177.5MPa, More >

  • Open Access


    Storage lipids and proteins of Euterpe edulis seeds


    BIOCELL, Vol.33, No.2, pp. 99-106, 2009, DOI:10.32604/biocell.2009.33.099

    Abstract Comparative studies on fatty acid and protein composition of the endosperm and embryo of palmito (Euterpe edulis Martius) were conducted using gas-liquid chromatography and sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. On a dry weight basis, the embryo contained extremely lower amounts of lipids and proteins than did the endosperm, which was associated with the scarce lipid and protein bodies previously reported in axis and cotyledon. The fatty acid composition also exhibited differences between both tissues: (I) the fatty acid diversity was greater in embryo than in endosperm; (II) embryo and endosperm contained predominantly linoleic, palmitic, oleic and More >

  • Open Access


    Methods to Automatically Build Point Distribution Models for Objects like Hand Palms and Faces Represented in Images

    Maria João M. Vasconcelos1, João Manuel R. S. Tavares1

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.36, No.3, pp. 213-242, 2008, DOI:10.3970/cmes.2008.036.213

    Abstract In this work we developed methods to automatically extract significant points of objects like hand palms and faces represented in images that can be used to build Point Distribution Models automatically. These models are further used to segment the modelled objects in new images, through the use of Active Shape Models or Active Appearance Models. These models showed to be efficient in the segmentation of objects, but had as drawback the fact that the labelling of the landmark points was usually manually made and consequently time consuming. Thus, in this paper we describe some methods More >

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