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Search Results (518)
  • Open Access


    Advances and perspectives on the gene mapping of root rot resistance in common beans

    Méndez-Aguilar R1, MH Reyes-Valdés2, N Mayek-Pérez3

    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.82, pp. 215-226, 2013, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2013.82.215

    Abstract Common bean was originated in México, and it is the most important protein source for millions of Mexicans, mainly those with low economic incomes. Grain yield of this crop is mainly affected by several fungal, bacterial and viral diseases. Among them, there are root rot diseases caused by the genera Macrophomina and Fusarium sp. Currently, some molecular biology tools such as DNA molecular markers are being used successfully to develop genetic maps where QTLs and major molecular markers are located, which are linked to genes that confer resistance to these fungi. The importance of the development… More >

  • Open Access


    Obtaining new germplasm in Cenchrus ciliaris L. through induced-mutation and in vitro selection

    López Colomba E1, A Prina2, S Griffa1, AN Ribotta1, E Carloni1, E Tommasino1, C Luna1, E Biderbost1, K Grunberg1

    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.80, pp. 59-64, 2011, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2011.80.059

    Abstract Cenchrus ciliaris L., a forage grass of wide distribution in the north-west of Argentina, is a tetraploid (4x = 36) and obligate apomictic species. One way of obtaining novel germplasm is by induced mutations. In this work, physical and chemical mutations are combined with in vitro selection procedures seeking for new germplasm, with emphasis on salinity and drought tolerance. Mature seeds of Cenchrus ciliaris L. cv Biloela were subjected to treatments with X rays (400 Gy) and ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) water solution (5.5 mM for 24 h). To perform in vitro selection, after 7 days of EMS or X More >

  • Open Access


    Selection of double purpose wheat genotypes. Vernalization requirements

    Morant AE, HD Merchán, EE Lutz

    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.80, pp. 5-8, 2011, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2011.80.005

    Abstract This study aimed to characterize wheat cultivars for their chilling requirements for differentiation and their relationship to flowering time, to establish a dual purpose ideotype. Seeds of eight genotypes (cultivars and advanced lines) of bread wheat were exposed to constant temperature (4 °C) in germination chambers for 8, 6, 4 and 2 weeks. A control treatment was kept at room temperature. Four replicates of each treatment were placed in the greenhouse in 250 cc pots containing 4 seedlings each, with irrigation and natural photoperiod, following a randomized complete block design. The greenhouse temperature was constant… More >

  • Open Access


    Taxus globosa S. cell lines: Initiation, selection and characterization in terms of growth, and of baccatin III and paclitaxel production


    BIOCELL, Vol.34, No.1, pp. 1-6, 2010, DOI:10.32604/biocell.2010.34.001

    Abstract Of the initial six cell lines originating from explants of Taxus globosa, or Mexican yew (stem internode, leaves and meristematic tissue), three were selected for their microbial and oxidation resistance, two from leaves and the other from stem internode. A study of their behavior, both in terms of cell growth, and of baccatin III and paclitaxel production, was developed in suspension cultures with an initially standardized biomass (fresh weight 0.23 g/L) using modified Gamborg’s B5 medium, and an elicitor (methyl jasmonate), on either the first or seventh day of culture, at several levels (0, 0.1, 1, More >

  • Open Access


    Genetic variability in 22 sugarcane hybrid varieties (Saccharum spp. Hybrid)

    Alejandre Rosas1 JA, ME Galindo Tovar2, HE Lee Espinosa2, OG Alvarado Gómez3

    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.79, pp. 87-94, 2010, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2010.79.087

    Abstract Development of new sugarcane varieties allows to increase sucrose production and faces challenges as new pests and diseases, and soil fertility losses. The objective of this study was to contribute to expand molecular tools in selecting useful progenitors for hybridization programs. With this purpose, 14 RAPDs primers were pre-screened, and four of them which produced clearly resolved, reproducible and polymorphic fragment patterns were selected for genetic analysis of 22 sugarcane variety hybrids. These were used in the Estación de Hibridación at Tapachula, Chiapas, as progenitors in genetic improvement programs. Genetic distance analysis showed three main More >

  • Open Access


    Morphological and genetic characteristics allow the identification of a collection of garlic cultivars in the North-Central region of Mexico

    Azuara Hernández1 L, H Silos Espino1, C Perales Segovia1, JF Gómez Leyva2, AG Alpuche Solís3, LM Macias Valdez4

    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.77, pp. 81-91, 2008, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2008.77.081

    Abstract The objective of this study was to compare the yield and genetic relationships between two Perla garlic selections, obtained by individual selection of cloves, and commercial varieties and cultivars adapted to diverse regions of Mexico (which did not have a selection process). Varieties with fewer cloves showed higher yields. Coreano and California produced 20 ton/ha (fresh weight) and Perla selections between 17-19 ton/ha (fresh weight). Six primers of the series OPB were tested for genetic characterization and OPB-17 was selected. With the amplified DNA fragments, a bina-ry matrix was generated; afterwards, a dissimilarity matrix and More >

  • Open Access


    Techniques of Digital Processing of Images for a System of Selection of Uchuva for Export by Means of Artificial Vision

    Osorio Rivera Fray León1

    The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.7, No.2, pp. 63-76, 2008, DOI:10.3970/icces.2008.007.063

    Abstract In the development context of a project about a system of selection uchuva for export by means of artificial vision whose objective is to provide an electromechanical system to able to select uchuvas by searching on its physical appearance, some algorithms have been developed to extract the necessary details beginning with the image of the acquired fruit using a camera. As a result, it must be able to determine if the visualized uchuva presents some symptom (insects, fungus, and deterioration) that indicates if it should be discharged. More >

  • Open Access


    Germination as a selection parameter in Karwinskia for its productivity potential in peroxisomicine A1

    Luján-Rangel1 R, E Olivares-Sáenz2, RE Vázquez-Alvarado2, L Garza-Ocañas3, O Torres-Alanís3

    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.76, pp. 61-77, 2007, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2007.76.061

    Abstract Karwinskia parvifolia (Kp) and Karwinskia humboldtiana (Kh) are poisonous plants of the rhamnacea family. Toxicological and clinical studies performed with one of the compounds present in the fruit [peroxisomicine A1 (PA1)] suggest its possible pharmacological usefulness in the treatment of certain types of cancer. This is why these plants are cultivated: to increase their productivity of PA1. We studied the effects of nitrogen and species on seed viability. The germination curve was determined for Kp with (Kp-WN) and without (Kp-NN) nitrogen, and for Kh without nitrogen (Kh-NN) using the probit model. This is characterized by the probability of… More >

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