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Thermal Loss Analysis of a Flat Plate Solar Collector Using Numerical Simulation

by Timur Merembayev1,2,*, Yedilkhan Amirgaliyev1,3, Murat Kunelbayev1, Didar Yedilkhan1,4

1 Institute of Information and Computational Technologies CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2 International Information Technology University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
3 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
4 Astana IT University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

* Corresponding Author: Timur Merembayev. Email: email

Computers, Materials & Continua 2022, 73(3), 4627-4640.


In this paper, we studied theoretically and numerically heated losses of a flat solar collector to model the solar water heating system for the Kazakhstan climate condition. For different climatic zones with a growing cost for energy or lack of central heating systems, promising is to find ways to improve the energy efficiency of the solar system. The mathematical model (based on ordinary differential equation) simulated the solar system work process under different conditions. To bridge the modeling and real values results, we studied the important physical parameters such as loss coefficient, Nu, Ra, and Pr values. They impacted the efficiency of flat solar collectors and heat losses of the system. The developed mathematical models, the design and composition of the software and hardware complex, and automated control and monitoring systems allow solar hot water heating systems to increase the energy efficiency of life support systems and heat supply of buildings by reducing energy consumption for heat supply. The simulation result showed that during the daytime, the temperature of water in the collector is 70°C; the storage of heated water since heated water is cooled at night. We defined that a work period of the system can be extended with high efficiency (April–October) for Almaty region.


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APA Style
Merembayev, T., Amirgaliyev, Y., Kunelbayev, M., Yedilkhan, D. (2022). Thermal loss analysis of a flat plate solar collector using numerical simulation. Computers, Materials & Continua, 73(3), 4627–4640.
Vancouver Style
Merembayev T, Amirgaliyev Y, Kunelbayev M, Yedilkhan D. Thermal loss analysis of a flat plate solar collector using numerical simulation. Comput Mater Contin. 2022;73(3):4627–4640.
IEEE Style
T. Merembayev, Y. Amirgaliyev, M. Kunelbayev, and D. Yedilkhan, “Thermal Loss Analysis of a Flat Plate Solar Collector Using Numerical Simulation,” Comput. Mater. Contin., vol. 73, no. 3, pp. 4627–4640, 2022.

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