Special Issues

Renewable Energy from High-value Utilization of Biomass

Submission Deadline: 20 December 2023 (closed) View: 107

Guest Editors

Dr.Hamid Reza Rahbari
Department of Energy, 
Aalborg University, Denmark
Email ID: hrr@energy.aau.dk, hamidrezarahbari16@gmail.com 
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=So7cTeAAAAAJ&hl=en 

Dr. Amir Hossein Mahdizadeh Shalmaei
Department of Energy, 
Aalborg university, Denmark
Email ID: ahms@energy.aau.dk 
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=l935Q4YAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra 

Dr.Jiaqi Ruan
School of Science and Engineering, 
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Email ID: jiaqiruan@link.cuhk.edu.cn 
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=XL1OiAUAAAAJ&hl=en 


In today’s world, renewable energy is one of the growing concerns across the universe due to its unique contributions to sustain a pleasant environment and to meet the demands of the increasing population. Renewable energy plays a prominent role in minimizing the release of greenhouse gases and energy efficiency. Although using non-renewable energy sources like coal, petroleum, and nuclear power fulfils the people's energy needs, its supply is limited. Many developing countries around the globe have been started to generate sources from these renewable resources through national renewable energy markets.

Renewable energy is considered an important form of sustainable energy, which broadly helps enhance energy security in various industries. The major objective is that energy transition ensures a global shift from non-renewable energy sources to renewable sources to attain environmental sustainability. Accomplishing renewable energy through various sources like solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, and hydropower efficiently serves as an ecological solution to avoid numerous environmental threats. The usage of biomass for renewable energy is considered to have a greater scope in generating electricity. It assists in heating homes in rural areas and additional supplementary heat in urban areas. The lignocelluloses biomass is an energy source derived from biological material such as living organisms, plants, plant matter, wood, garbage, etc. This attribute generates heat directly through combustion or indirectly in biofuel—plant biomass is certainly grown to produce high-value biomass to create heat or electricity. Renewable energy source from biomass is assessed appreciably with their significant ‘carbon neutral,’ which deduces carbon emissions and maintains the carbon cycle in the atmospheric account.

Ironically, energy from biomass is predominantly helpful in abundance for forest management, controlling wildfires, generating electricity, providing job opportunities, minimizing our dependency on fossil fuels and transportation, and overall contributing to the well-being of humans in this environment. These early successes may also hope to deal with a few limitations, such as burning biomass emitting sulphurous oxides, nitrous oxides, and carbon dioxide, which harm the environment. Researchers and practitioners are most welcome to submit a research framework against this background. The special issue aims to develop a conceptual understanding of the value of renewable energy sources with biomass utilization. List of potential topics of the special issue includes, but are not limited to the following:

❖ Emerging trends in renewable energy from biomass

❖ Future perspectives of utilizing renewable sources for the sustainable future generations

❖ Recent challenges in controlling environmental degradation through renewable sources

❖ Renewable energy sources: fundamentals and objectives

❖ Effective approaches generating electricity with the utilization of biomass

❖ Limitations and challenges in utilizing biomass for renewable sources

❖ Impacts of nuclear energy and petroleum products on the environment

❖ Role of plant biomass as an environmental solution

❖ Risk factors associated with emission of power plants in the ecosystem

❖ Current trends and challenges in utilizing renewable energy

❖ Biomass energy: pros and cons  

❖ Need of policies and legislations to adopt innovative techniques and strategies to overcome the downsides of utilizing biomass


Renewable energy;
Biomass/Bio energy;
Sustainable energy;
Bio fuels;
Solar/wind/geothermal energy;
Nuclear power and Hydro power;
Energy efficiency;
Green house gases.

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