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Quantifying Roll Feel of a Car by Using a Musculoskeletal Mathematical Model

by Masaki Izawa1, Ryota Araki1, Tatsuro Suzuki1, Kaito Watanabe2, Kazuhito Misaji3

Showa Corporation, 112-1 Haga-dai, Haga-mach, Haga-gun, Tochigi, Japan.
Ex-Graduate Student, Nihon University, College of Industrial Technology, Department of Mathematical Information Engineering, Japan.
Nihon University, College of Industrial Technology, Department of Mathematical Information Engineering, Japan.

* Corresponding Author: Kazuhito Misaji. Email: email.

Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2019, 118(3), 493-507.


Primary purpose of this research is to create a three-dimensional musculoskeletal mathematical model of a driver of a car using a motion capture system. The model is then used in an analysis of drive torque around joints and attached muscles as a vehicle travels in different travel modes and damping force settings to examine ‘burdens’ for the driver. Previous studies proposed a method of quantifying the degree of musculoskeletal load in simple human motion from the changes in drive torque around joints and attached muscles. However, examination of the level of burdens for the driver while driving using this method does not seem to exist. Especially within the scope of evaluating different travel modes and dampers, there is no other study. Results of this study are hence a valuable new perspective on quantitative analysis of the burdens for the driver’s joints and muscles depending on the different settings of travel modes and dampers.


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APA Style
Izawa, M., Araki, R., Suzuki, T., Watanabe, K., Misaji, K. (2019). Quantifying roll feel of a car by using a musculoskeletal mathematical model. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 118(3), 493–507.
Vancouver Style
Izawa M, Araki R, Suzuki T, Watanabe K, Misaji K. Quantifying roll feel of a car by using a musculoskeletal mathematical model. Comput Model Eng Sci. 2019;118(3):493–507.
IEEE Style
M. Izawa, R. Araki, T. Suzuki, K. Watanabe, and K. Misaji, “Quantifying Roll Feel of a Car by Using a Musculoskeletal Mathematical Model,” Comput. Model. Eng. Sci., vol. 118, no. 3, pp. 493–507, 2019.

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