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Dynamic Analyses of a Simply Supported Double-Beam System Subject to a Moving Mass with Fourier Transform Technique

by Lizhong Jiang, Xilin Chai, Zhihua Tan, Wangbao Zhou, Yulin Feng, Zhipeng Lai, Lan Zheng

1 School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, 410075, China.
2 National Engineering Laboratory for High Speed Railway Construction, Central South University, Changsha, 410075, China.
* Corresponding Author: Wangbao Zhou. Email:

Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2019, 121(1), 291-314.


In order to study the dynamic characteristics of a simply supported double-beam system under a moving mass, the system of fourth-order dynamic partial differential equations of a simply supported double-beam system was transformed into a system of second-order dynamic ordinary differential equations relative to time coordinates by performing the finite sin-Fourier Transform relative to space coordinates. And the analytical solution of the dynamic response of the simply supported double-beam system under a moving mass was obtained by solving the system of dynamic ordinary differential equations. The analytical method and ANSYS numerical method were used to calculate the dynamic responses of several simply supported double-beam systems under a moving mass at different speeds. The influences of inertial effect, mass movement speed, and Winkler-layer spring stiffness and damping on the dynamic responses of simply supported double-beam systems were analyzed. According to the study results, the analytical calculation results in this paper fit well with the ANSYS finite element numerical calculation results, demonstrating the rationality of the analytical method. The inertial effect has a significant influence on the dynamic response characteristics of the simply supported double-beam system. The simply supported double-beam system underwent several resonant speeds under a moving mass, and the Winkler-layer spring stiffness has a relatively significant effect on the vibration of the first beam.


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APA Style
Jiang, L., Chai, X., Tan, Z., Zhou, W., Feng, Y. et al. (2019). Dynamic analyses of a simply supported double-beam system subject to a moving mass with fourier transform technique . Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 121(1), 291–314.
Vancouver Style
Jiang L, Chai X, Tan Z, Zhou W, Feng Y, Lai Z, et al. Dynamic analyses of a simply supported double-beam system subject to a moving mass with fourier transform technique . Comput Model Eng Sci. 2019;121(1):291–314.
IEEE Style
L. Jiang et al., “Dynamic Analyses of a Simply Supported Double-Beam System Subject to a Moving Mass with Fourier Transform Technique ,” Comput. Model. Eng. Sci., vol. 121, no. 1, pp. 291–314, 2019.


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