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Numerical Simulation and Natural Computing applied to a Real World Traffic Optimization Case under Stress Conditions:

by M.J. Galán Moreno, J.J. Sánchez Medina, L. Álvarez ÁlvarezE. Rubio Royo1

M.J. Galán Moreno, J.J. Sánchez Medina, L. Álvarez and E. Rubio Royo are members of CICEI, ULPGC, SPAIN.

Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2009, 50(3), 191-226.


Urban traffic is a key factor for the development of a city. There exist many different approaches facing traffic optimization. In our case we have focused on traffic lights optimization. We have designed and tested a new architecture to optimize traffic light cycle times. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the good performance of our architecture in a congested scenario. We have simulated several congestion situations for a very large real world traffic network - "La Almozara" in Zaragoza, Spain. Our results seem encouraging in this extreme situation. As we increase the load in the network we get a the better traffic behavior of our architecture. Finally, new research directions are presented.


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APA Style
Moreno, M.G., Medina, J.S., Royo, L.Á.Á.E.R. (2009). Numerical simulation and natural computing applied to a real world traffic optimization case under stress conditions: . Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 50(3), 191–226.
Vancouver Style
Moreno MG, Medina JS, Royo LÁÁER. Numerical simulation and natural computing applied to a real world traffic optimization case under stress conditions: . Comput Model Eng Sci. 2009;50(3):191–226.
IEEE Style
M. G. Moreno, J. S. Medina, and L.Á.Á.E.R. Royo, “Numerical Simulation and Natural Computing applied to a Real World Traffic Optimization Case under Stress Conditions: ,” Comput. Model. Eng. Sci., vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 191–226, 2009.

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