Open Access
A Review on the Three-Dimensional Analytical Approaches of Multilayered and Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Plates and Shells
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Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, ROC
Computers, Materials & Continua 2008, 8(2), 93-132.
The article is to present an overview of various three-dimensional (3D) analytical approaches for the analysis of multilayered and functionally graded (FG) piezoelectric plates and shells. The reported 3D approaches in the literature are classified as four different approaches, namely, Pagano's classical approach, the state space approach, the series expansion approach and the asymptotic approach. Both the mixed formulation and displacement-based formulation for the 3D analysis of multilayered piezoelectric plates are derived. The analytical process, based on the 3D formulations, for the aforementioned approaches is briefly interpreted. The present formulations of multilayered piezoelectric plates can also be used for the analysis of FG piezoelectric plates, of which material properties are heterogeneous through the thickness coordinate, by artificially dividing the plate as \textit NL-layered plates with constant coefficients in an average sense for each layer. The present formulations can also be extended to the ones of piezoelectric shells using the associated shell coordinates. A comprehensive comparison among the 3D results available in the literature using various approaches is made. For illustration, the through-thickness distributions of various field variables for the simply-supported, multilayered and FG piezoelectric plates are presented using the asymptotic approach and doubly checked with a newly-proposed meshless method. The literature dealing with the 3D analysis of multilayered and FG piezoelectric plates is surveyed and included. This review article contains 191 references.Keywords
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