Open Access
Yao Jin1,2,*, Jie Zhao1,2, Xiaozhe Tan1,2, Linghou Miao1,2, Wenxing Yu1,2
Digital Engineering and Digital Twin, DOI:10.32604/dedt.2024.048142
Abstract Substation siting is an important foundation and a key task in power system planning. The article is based on a three-dimensional GIS platform combined with an improved BP neural network algorithm and proposes a substation siting method that is more efficient, accurate and provides a better user experience. Firstly, the BP algorithm is enhanced to improve its convergence speed and computational efficiency for a more accurate and reasonable calculation of optimal site selection. Then, a 24-item selection index system with 7 categories is proposed, which provides quantifiable data support and an evaluation basis for substation… More >
Open Access
Chein-Shan Liu, Chung-Lun Kuo*
Digital Engineering and Digital Twin, DOI:10.32604/dedt.2024.042804
(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Advances in Methods of Computational Modeling in Engineering Sciences, a Special Issue in Memory of Professor Satya Atluri)
Abstract A new concept of projective solution is introduced for the second-order linear partial differential equations (PDEs) endowed with constant coefficients. In terms of a projective variable the PDE is transformed to a second-order ordinary differential equation (ODE) with constant coefficients at the first time. The characteristic form appears as the coefficient preceding the second-order derivative term. Depending on the characteristic form and coefficients we can derive various parameters-dependent particular solutions, which can be adopted as the bases to expand the solution. The Helmholtz and wave equations are solved by the projection method. We project the… More >