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On essential work of fracture method: theoretical consideration and numerical simulation

by X.-H. Chen1, Y.-W. Mai2

University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. Current address: Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, Stratford, CT, U.S.A.
University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia; and Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences 2010, 14(2), 43-50.


A general elastoplastic fracture mechanics theory is proposed for applying the Essential-Work-of-Fracture (EWF) Method to quasi-static and impact toughness characterization. Advanced finite element modeling is developed to simulate the EWF Method using the crack-tip opening angle criterion (CTOA) and the constitutive relation of the material under consideration. For Poly(ethylene-terephlate) (PET) films, the load-displacement curves are calculated for the whole crack propagation process of deeply double-edge notched tensile specimens (DENT) with different ligament lengths so as to determine the total work, the essential work and the non-essential work of fracture. The effects of specimen gauge length and ligament length on crack growth stability are also discussed in combination with experimental results.


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APA Style
Chen, X., Mai, Y. (2010). On essential work of fracture method: theoretical consideration and numerical simulation. The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, 14(2), 43–50.
Vancouver Style
Chen X, Mai Y. On essential work of fracture method: theoretical consideration and numerical simulation. Int Conf Comput Exp Eng Sciences. 2010;14(2):43–50.
IEEE Style
X. Chen and Y. Mai, “On essential work of fracture method: theoretical consideration and numerical simulation,” Int. Conf. Comput. Exp. Eng. Sciences, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 43–50, 2010.

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