Open Access
Topology optimization of structures with local and global stress constraints
Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Civil Engineering School, University of A Coruña, Elviña C.P.
5071, A Coruña, Spain
The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences 2007, 2(1), 13-20.
Topology structural optimization problems have been usually stated in terms of a maximum stiffness (minimum compliance) approach. In this kind of formulations, the aim is to distribute a given amount of material in a certain domain, so that the stiffness of the resulting structure is maximized for a given load case. In addition, no stress or displacement constraints are taken into account. This paper presents a different strategy: a minimum weight Finite Element formulation for optimization of continuum structures subjected to stress constraints. We propose two different approaches to take into account the stress constraints in the optimization formulation. The local constraints approach imposes a stress constraint in some distributed points of the domain. However, the global approach aggregates the effect of all the local constraints in a global function. The feasibility of these two approaches is demonstrated by solving some application examples.Cite This Article

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