Open Access
New Quantum Color Codes Based on Hyperbolic Geometry
1 Department of Computer Engineering, University College of Nabi Akram, Tabriz, Iran
2 CIT Lab, University of Ulsan, Ulsan, 44610, Korea
* Corresponding Author: Avaz Naghipour. Email:
Journal of Quantum Computing 2022, 4(2), 113-120.
Received 25 June 2022; Accepted 14 April 2023; Issue published 16 May 2023
In this paper, hyperbolic geometry is used to constructing new quantum color codes. We use hyperbolic tessellations and hyperbolic polygons to obtain them by pairing the edges on compact surfaces. These codes have minimum distance of at least and the encoding rate near to which are not mentioned in other literature. Finally, a comparison table with quantum codes recently proposed by the authors is provided.Keywords
Channel coding theory is one of the widely used branches of telecommunication, whose purpose is to send information from the sender to the receiver through a physical channel with disturbance. Since the foundation of this theory by Claude Shannon in [1], many efforts have been made to achieve the desired codes and famous codes such as Hamming codes, Golay codes, Reed-Muller codes, convolutional codes, BCH codes, Reed-Solomon codes, turbo codes, and finally Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes were proposed. While researching and examining classical codes, researchers also showed interest in quantum codes and in the last few decades, various types of quantum codes have been presented with different methods in the literature. Since the introduction of the first quantum error-correcting code by Shor in [2], Calderbank et al. [3] introduced a systematic way for constructing the QECs from classical error-correcting code. The problem of constructing toric quantum codes has motivated considerable interest in the literature. This problem was generalized within the context of surface codes [4] and color codes [5]. The most popular toric code was proposed for the first time by Kitaev’s [6]. This code defined on a square lattice of size
The aim of this paper is to present a systematic construction of families of quantum color codes on compact surfaces from hyperbolic tessellations and hyperbolic polygons by pairing the edges. For these quantum codes, the encoding rate is such that
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is dedicated to basic concepts on quantum bits and hyperbolic geometry. Section 3 is related to present families of quantum color codes with minimum distance of at least
2 Reviews on Quantum Bits and Hyperbolic Geometry
In this section, we review some fundamental notions of quantum mechanics and hyperbolic geometry used through the paper. See for detailed descriptions, refer to [18,19].
A quantum bit, qubit for short, is a two-level quantum system. Because there should not be any danger of confusion, we also say that the two-dimensional Hilbert space
This vector has a unit length, i.e.,
The idea of constructing CSS (Calderbank-Shor-Steane) codes from graphs embedded on surfaces has been discussed in a number of papers. See for detailed descriptions e.g., [7,20]. Let X be a compact, connected, oriented surface (i.e., 2-manifold) with genus g. A tiling of X is defined to be a cellular embedding of an undirected (simple) graph
(i) One vertex of
(ii) For each edge e of G there is an edge
It can easily see that, there is a bijection between the edges of G and the edges of
The surface code associated with a tiling
In this section, we recall the quantum color codes introduced by Bombin and Martin-Delgado in [5,14]. A color code is the CSS code defined by the matrices
The color code 𝖢 contains the space defined by the operator
The length of the color code associated with G is
In this paper n is the code length, and
In order to calculate the parameters of quantum color codes, we present some basic concepts of hyperbolic geometry. More information on hyperbolic geometry and shrunk lattices may be found in Refs. [5,9,12,17,19].
A hyperbolic polygon
Every possible tiling
where the hyperbolic tessellations must satisfy the constraint
where g is the genus of the surface.
From Eq. (2.5) and the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, Eq. (2.4) may be written as:
Hence, the number of faces,
For these quantum color codes, the length of the code is
For a fundamental polygon of
and the edge-length of the tessellation
Given a regular polygon of
Also, a lower bound for the number of the reduced network edges in a non-trivial homology cycle belonging to a shrunk lattice is given as follows, [12],
Then, the minimum distance of the code is calculated as follows, [12],
In fact,
Using Fig. 1 and by tiling the fundamental polygon
Figure 1:
3 New Families of Quantum Color Codes
In this section, we obtain new families of quantum color codes based on the identification of compact surfaces by hyperbolic tessellations.
3.1 Quantum Color Codes from the Tessellation
Our goal here is to constructing quantum color codes resulting from the method described in Section 2. Taking
By tiling the fundamental polygon
Then, by (2.11),
Also, by using (2.13) we have:
Therefore, the quantum color code with parameters
Now by tiling the fundamental polygon
According to the color code above, for the minimum distance
On the other hand, because the length of the code is equal to
3.2 Quantum Color Codes from the Tessellation
In this section, another class of quantum color codes is presented using the approach proposed in Section 2. For this purpose, taking
By tiling the fundamental polygon
Then, by (2.11),
Therefore, the minimum distance of the code according to (2.13) will be as follows
Hence, the quantum color code with parameters
Now by tiling the fundamental polygon
Thus, the quantum color codes with parameters
3.3 Quantum Color Codes from the Tessellation
In this section, new quantum color codes with minimum distances
From this class, the quantum color codes with minimum distance
4 Table of Quantum Codes Comparison
In Table 1, the quantum color codes constructed in this paper are compared with the quantum codes constructed in other references. In this table, the first column shows the value of the length of quantum code. The second column shows the value of
In this paper we have presented a hyperbolic geometry approach to constructing new quantum color codes, based on the identification of compact surfaces by hyperbolic tessellations. We obtained some families of quantum color codes with minimum distances
Acknowledgement: The authors would like to sincerely thank the referees for a very meticulous reading of this manuscript, and for valuable suggestions which help to create an improved final version.
Funding Statement: The authors received no specific funding for this study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to report regarding the present study.
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