Sadia Husain1, Muhammad Imran2,*, Ali Ahmad1, Yasir Ahmad1, Kashif Elahi3
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.70, No.2, pp. 3433-3447, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.020384
Abstract The Cellular Neural Network (CNN) has various parallel processing applications, image processing, non-linear processing, geometric maps, high-speed computations. It is an analog paradigm, consists of an array of cells that are interconnected locally. Cells can be arranged in different configurations. Each cell has an input, a state, and an output. The cellular neural network allows cells to communicate with the neighbor cells only. It can be represented graphically; cells will represent by vertices and their interconnections will represent by edges. In chemical graph theory, topological descriptors are used to study graph structure and their biological More >