Yong Chen1, Chao Xu1,*, Jing Selena He2, Sheng Xiao3, Fanfan Shen1
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.72, No.3, pp. 5251-5272, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.026750
Abstract With the continuous expansion of software applications, people's requirements for software quality are increasing. Software defect prediction is an important technology to improve software quality. It often encodes the software into several features and applies the machine learning method to build defect prediction classifiers, which can estimate the software areas is clean or buggy. However, the current encoding methods are mainly based on the traditional manual features or the AST of source code. Traditional manual features are difficult to reflect the deep semantics of programs, and there is a lot of noise information in AST,… More >