Kinjal Parikh1,2,*, Juan Carlos Muniz1,2, Elizabeth Welch1,2, Abdul Aldousany1,3, Nao Sasaki1,2
Congenital Heart Disease, Vol.15, No.5, pp. 339-346, 2020, DOI:10.32604/CHD.2020.012910
Abstract This is a newborn male prenatally diagnosed with severe right ventricular (RV) hypertrophy and depressed function, aneurysmal dilation of the main
pulmonary artery and tachyarrhythmia. Postnatally, he required immediate intubation and inotropic support. Echocardiogram revealed a large dysplastic RV, absent
pulmonary valve syndrome (APVS), markedly dilated pulmonary arteries and tricuspid atresia (TA). The trabecular portion of the RV was excessively trabeculated
and severely dilated. Inflow and infundibular walls were thin, with multiple infundibular aneurysms. There was APVS with free regurgitation and massively dilated
pulmonary arteries. The RV bulged into the LV, though there was no… More >