Idalba A. Hidalgo A.∗, Felipe Sojo†, Francisco Arvelo†, Marcos A. Sabino∗,‡
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, Vol.10, No.2, pp. 85-105, 2013, DOI:10.3970/mcb.2013.010.085
Abstract The electrospinning technique is a method used to produce nano and microfibers using the influence of electrostatic forces. Porous three dimensional networks of continuous and interconnected fibers as scaffolds were obtained from a poly (lactic acid) solution. The concentration of the polymeric solution, 12.5% m/w, as well as the conditions of voltage (V=11kV) and tip-metallic collector distance (H=13cm) were established to develop these scaffolds through the electrospinning process. The characteristics of the scaffolds, such as fiber diameter, sintering and the biomimetics of the characteristics of a native extra cellular matrix were verified by Scanning Electron More >