Mengyuan Liao1, Jing Duan2,3,*, Rong Zhang2,3, Xu Zhou2,3, Xi Wu1, Xin Wang4, Jinrong Hu1
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.29, No.3, pp. 787-801, 2021, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2021.018190
Abstract In the field of weather modification, it is important to accurately identify the ice crystal particles in ice clouds. When ice crystal habits are correctly identified, cloud structure can be further understood and cloud seeding and other methods of weather modification can be used to change the microstructure of the cloud. Consequently, weather phenomena can be changed at an appropriate time to support human production and quality of life. However, ice crystal morphology is varied. Traditional ice crystal particle classification methods are based on expert experience, which is subjective and unreliable for the identification of More >