D. Manohari1,*, M. S. Kavitha2, K. Periyakaruppan3, B. Chellapraba4
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.36, No.2, pp. 1547-1560, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.030540
Abstract Over the last decade, mobile Adhoc networks have expanded dramatically in popularity, and their impact on the communication sector on a variety of levels is enormous. Its uses have expanded in lockstep with its growth. Due to its instability in usage and the fact that numerous nodes communicate data concurrently, adequate channel and forwarder selection is essential. In this proposed design for a Cognitive Radio Cognitive Network (CRCN), we gain the confidence of each forwarding node by contacting one-hop and second level nodes, obtaining reports from them, and selecting the forwarder appropriately with the use… More >