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Search Results (49)
  • Open Access


    Effective Controller Placement in Software-Defined Internet-of-Things Leveraging Deep Q-Learning (DQL)

    Jehad Ali1,*, Mohammed J. F. Alenazi2

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.81, No.3, pp. 4015-4032, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.058480 - 19 December 2024

    Abstract The controller is a main component in the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) framework, which plays a significant role in enabling programmability and orchestration for 5G and next-generation networks. In SDN, frequent communication occurs between network switches and the controller, which manages and directs traffic flows. If the controller is not strategically placed within the network, this communication can experience increased delays, negatively affecting network performance. Specifically, an improperly placed controller can lead to higher end-to-end (E2E) delay, as switches must traverse more hops or encounter greater propagation delays when communicating with the controller. This paper introduces… More >

  • Open Access


    Optimization Model Proposal for Traffic Differentiation in Wireless Sensor Networks

    Adisa Hasković Džubur*, Samir Čaušević, Belma Memić, Muhamed Begović, Elma Avdagić-Golub, Alem Čolaković

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.81, No.1, pp. 1059-1084, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.055386 - 15 October 2024

    Abstract Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are characterized by heterogeneous traffic types (audio, video, data) and diverse application traffic requirements. This paper introduces three traffic classes following the defined model of heterogeneous traffic differentiation in WSNs. The requirements for each class regarding sensitivity to QoS (Quality of Service) parameters, such as loss, delay, and jitter, are described. These classes encompass real-time and delay-tolerant traffic. Given that QoS evaluation is a multi-criteria decision-making problem, we employed the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method for multi-criteria optimization. As a result of this approach, we derived weight values for different traffic… More >

  • Open Access


    Examining the Quality Metrics of a Communication Network with Distributed Software-Defined Networking Architecture

    Khawaja Tahir Mehmood1,2,*, Shahid Atiq1, Intisar Ali Sajjad3, Muhammad Majid Hussain4, Malik M. Abdul Basit2

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.141, No.2, pp. 1673-1708, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2024.053903 - 27 September 2024

    Abstract Software-Defined Networking (SDN), with segregated data and control planes, provides faster data routing, stability, and enhanced quality metrics, such as throughput (Th), maximum available bandwidth (Bd(max)), data transfer (DTransfer), and reduction in end-to-end delay (D(E-E)). This paper explores the critical work of deploying SDN in large­scale Data Center Networks (DCNs) to enhance its Quality of Service (QoS) parameters, using logically distributed control configurations. There is a noticeable increase in Delay(E-E) when adopting SDN with a unified (single) control structure in big DCNs to handle Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) requests causing a reduction in network quality parameters (Bd(max), Th, DTransfer, D(E-E),… More > Graphic Abstract

    Examining the Quality Metrics of a Communication Network with Distributed Software-Defined Networking Architecture

  • Open Access


    New Antenna Array Beamforming Techniques Based on Hybrid Convolution/Genetic Algorithm for 5G and Beyond Communications

    Shimaa M. Amer1, Ashraf A. M. Khalaf2, Amr H. Hussein3,4, Salman A. Alqahtani5, Mostafa H. Dahshan6, Hossam M. Kassem3,4,*

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.138, No.3, pp. 2749-2767, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2023.029138 - 15 December 2023

    Abstract Side lobe level reduction (SLL) of antenna arrays significantly enhances the signal-to-interference ratio and improves the quality of service (QOS) in recent and future wireless communication systems starting from 5G up to 7G. Furthermore, it improves the array gain and directivity, increasing the detection range and angular resolution of radar systems. This study proposes two highly efficient SLL reduction techniques. These techniques are based on the hybridization between either the single convolution or the double convolution algorithms and the genetic algorithm (GA) to develop the Conv/GA and DConv/GA, respectively. The convolution process determines the element’s… More >

  • Open Access


    QoS-Aware Cloud Service Optimization Algorithm in Cloud Manufacturing Environment

    Wenlong Ma1,2,*, Youhong Xu1, Jianwei Zheng2, Sadaqat ur Rehman3

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.2, pp. 1499-1512, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.030484 - 21 June 2023

    Abstract In a cloud manufacturing environment with abundant functionally equivalent cloud services, users naturally desire the highest-quality service(s). Thus, a comprehensive measurement of quality of service (QoS) is needed. Optimizing the plethora of cloud services has thus become a top priority. Cloud service optimization is negatively affected by untrusted QoS data, which are inevitably provided by some users. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a QoS-aware cloud service optimization model and establishes QoS-information awareness and quantification mechanisms. Untrusted data are assessed by an information correction method. The weights discovered by the variable precision Rough Set, More >

  • Open Access


    Survey of Resources Allocation Techniques with a Quality of Service (QoS) Aware in a Fog Computing Environment

    Wan Norsyafizan W. Muhamad1, Kaharudin Dimyati2, Muhammad Awais Javed3, Suzi Seroja Sarnin1,*, Divine Senanu Ametefe1

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.76, No.1, pp. 1291-1308, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.037214 - 08 June 2023

    Abstract The tremendous advancement in distributed computing and Internet of Things (IoT) applications has resulted in the adoption of fog computing as today’s widely used framework complementing cloud computing. Thus, suitable and effective applications could be performed to satisfy the applications’ latency requirement. Resource allocation techniques are essential aspects of fog networks which prevent unbalanced load distribution. Effective resource management techniques can improve the quality of service metrics. Due to the limited and heterogeneous resources available within the fog infrastructure, the fog layer’s resources need to be optimised to efficiently manage and distribute them to different… More >

  • Open Access


    Hybrid Chameleon and Honey Badger Optimization Algorithm for QoS-Based Cloud Service Composition Problem

    G. Manimala*, A. Chinnasamy

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.47, No.1, pp. 393-412, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.037066 - 26 May 2023

    Abstract Cloud computing facilitates the great potentiality of storing and managing remote access to services in terms of software as a service (SaaS). Several organizations have moved towards outsourcing over the cloud to reduce the burden on local resources. In this context, the metaheuristic optimization method is determined to be highly suitable for selecting appropriate services that comply with the requirements of the client’s requests, as the services stored over the cloud are too complex and scalable. To achieve better service composition, the parameters of Quality of Service (QoS) related to each service considered to be… More >

  • Open Access


    BFS-SVM Classifier for QoS and Resource Allocation in Cloud Environment

    A. Richard William1,*, J. Senthilkumar2, Y. Suresh2, V. Mohanraj2

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.47, No.1, pp. 777-790, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.031753 - 26 May 2023

    Abstract In cloud computing Resource allocation is a very complex task. Handling the customer demand makes the challenges of on-demand resource allocation. Many challenges are faced by conventional methods for resource allocation in order to meet the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of users. For solving the about said problems a new method was implemented with the utility of machine learning framework of resource allocation by utilizing the cloud computing technique was taken in to an account in this research work. The accuracy in the machine learning algorithm can be improved by introducing Bat Algorithm with… More >

  • Open Access


    Auto-Scaling Framework for Enhancing the Quality of Service in the Mobile Cloud Environments

    Yogesh Kumar1,*, Jitender Kumar1, Poonam Sheoran2

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.75, No.3, pp. 5785-5800, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.039276 - 29 April 2023

    Abstract On-demand availability and resource elasticity features of Cloud computing have attracted the focus of various research domains. Mobile cloud computing is one of these domains where complex computation tasks are offloaded to the cloud resources to augment mobile devices’ cognitive capacity. However, the flexible provisioning of cloud resources is hindered by uncertain offloading workloads and significant setup time of cloud virtual machines (VMs). Furthermore, any delays at the cloud end would further aggravate the miseries of real-time tasks. To resolve these issues, this paper proposes an auto-scaling framework (ACF) that strives to maintain the quality… More >

  • Open Access


    Two-Way Approach for Improved Real-Time Transmission in Fog-IoT-Based Health Monitoring System for Critical Patients

    Abeera Ilyas1,*, Saeed Mahfooz1, Zahid Mehmood2,3, Gauhar Ali4, Muhammad ElAffendi4

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.46, No.3, pp. 3815-3829, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.036316 - 03 April 2023

    Abstract Health monitoring systems are now required, particularly for essential patients, following the COVID-19 pandemic, which was followed by its variants and other epidemics of a similar nature. Effective procedures and strategies are required, though, to react promptly to the enormous volume of real-time data offered by monitoring equipment. Although fog-based designs for IoT health systems typically result in enhanced services, they also give rise to issues that need to be resolved. In this paper, we propose a two-way strategy to reduce network latency and use while increasing real-time data transmission of device gateways used for More >

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