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Search Results (8)
  • Open Access


    Thermosensitive and Wound-Healing Gelatin-Alginate Biopolymer Hydrogels Modified with Humic Acids

    Denis Miroshnichenko1, Vladimir Lebedev2, Katerina Lebedeva2, Аnna Cherkashina2, Sergey Petrushenko3,4,*, Olena Bogoyavlenska1, Аnzhela Olkhovska5, Ihor Hrubnyk6, Liudmyla Maloshtan6, Natalja Klochko7

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.12, No.10, pp. 1691-1713, 2024, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2024.054769 - 23 October 2024

    Abstract The main goal of the article is the creation and study of thermosensitive and wound-healing gelatin-alginate biopolymer hydrogels modified with humic acids. Their rheological properties, swelling and contraction behavior were experimentally investigated, elucidated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and used to achieve the physiological melting point, which is necessary for successful drug delivery. It has been shown that in the gelatin-alginate-humic acid biopolymer hydrogels systems, it is possible to obtain a gel-sol transition temperature close to the physiological temperature of 37°C, which is important for drug delivery in the treatment of wounds. By changing the… More > Graphic Abstract

    Thermosensitive and Wound-Healing Gelatin-Alginate Biopolymer Hydrogels Modified with Humic Acids

  • Open Access


    The Influence of Chemical Admixtures on the Fluidity, Viscosity and Rheological Properties of Ultra-High Performance Concrete

    Jin Yang1,2, Hailong Zhao1, Jingyi Zeng1, Ying Su1,2, Mengdi Zhu1, Xingyang He1,2,*

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.20, No.10, pp. 2163-2181, 2024, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2024.055448 - 23 September 2024

    Abstract To achieve higher strength and better durability, ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) typically employs a relatively small water-binder ratio. However, this generally leads to an undesired increase in the paste viscosity. In this study, the effects of liquid and powder polycarboxylate superplasticizers (PCE) on UHPC are compared and critically discussed. Moreover, the following influential factors are considered: air-entraining agents (AE), slump retaining agents (SA), and defoaming agents (DF) and the resulting flow characteristics, mechanical properties, and hydration properties are evaluated assuming UHPC containing 8‰ powder PCE (PCE-based UHPC). It is found that the spread diameter of… More >

  • Open Access


    Physical-Rheological Properties and Performances of Rejuvenated (Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene) Asphalt with Polymerized-MDI and Aromatic Oil

    Ao Lu1, Ming Xiong1, Chen Chen1, Liangjiang Li1, Haibei Tan1, Xiong Xu2,3,*

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.20, No.7, pp. 1633-1646, 2024, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2024.051010 - 23 July 2024

    Abstract Traditional asphalt rejuvenators, like aromatic oil (AO), are known to be effective in improving the low-temperature properties and fatigue performances of aged SBS (styrene-butadiene-styrene) modified asphalt (SBSMA) binders and mixtures. However, these rejuvenators inevitably compromise their high-temperature properties and deformation resistances because they dilute asphalt binder but do not fix the damaged structures of aged SBS. In this study, a highly-active chemical called polymerized 4,4-diphenylmethane diisocyanate (PMDI) was used to assist the traditional AO asphalt rejuvenator. The physical and rheological characteristics of rejuvenated SBSMA binders and the moisture-induced damage and rut deformation performances of corresponding… More > Graphic Abstract

    Physical-Rheological Properties and Performances of Rejuvenated (Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene) Asphalt with Polymerized-MDI and Aromatic Oil

  • Open Access


    A Brief Review of Surface Modification of Carbonyl Iron Powders (CIPs) for Magnetorheological Fluid Applications


    Journal of Polymer Materials, Vol.40, No.3-4, pp. 191-204, 2023, DOI:10.32381/JPM.2023.40.3-4.5

    Abstract Magnetorheological fluids (MRFs) is a smart fluid system that exhibits swift and reversible alterations in their rheological characteristics when exposed to an external magnetic field. MRFs are used for applications in various areas, including automotive systems, robotics, aerospace, and civil engineering. The performance of MRFs depends on the behavior of the dispersed magnetic particles, necessitating thoughtful consideration of particle traits to optimize fluid performance. Carbonyl Iron Powders (CIPs), high purity iron (>98%) reduced from penta carbonyl iron, are widely employed in MRFs due to their exceptional magnetic characteristics. Nevertheless, the innate surfaces of CIPs tend… More >

  • Open Access


    Enhanced Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Styrene Butadiene Rubber Nanocomposites with Graphene Platelet Nano-powder


    Journal of Polymer Materials, Vol.40, No.3-4, pp. 141-156, 2023, DOI:10.32381/JPM.2023.40.3-4.2

    Abstract Nanocomposites are very important materials because it imparts superior properties than other composites with low level of filler loading. Styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) is a non-polar rubber which acts as an insulator and has low electrical conductivity. Graphene platelet nano-powder from 0.1 to 1.25 phr level is incorporated into SBR rubber in order to improve the electrical properties. Comparative studies on electrical and mechanical properties of styrene butadiene rubber with graphene platelet nano-powder (GPN) by varying the filler content are made. The incorporation of Graphene platelet nano-powder increases the electrical conductivity in styrene butadiene rubber. More >

  • Open Access


    Mechanical and Rheological Properties of Bamboo Pulp Fiber Reinforced High Density Polyethylene Composites: Influence of Nano CaCO3 Treatment and Manufacturing Process with Different Pressure Ratings

    Cuicui Wang1, Xin Wei1, Lee M. Smith2, Ge Wang1, Shuangbao Zhang3, Haitao Cheng1,*

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.10, No.7, pp. 1829-1844, 2022, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2022.018782 - 07 March 2022

    Abstract In order to investigate the effect of the relative motion of nano CaCO3 reinforced bamboo pulp fiber (BPF)/HDPE composite components on the mechanical performance, a comparative study was performed. BPF was treated by nano CaCO3 blending (BM) and impregnation modification (IM) technology. The composites were produced using hot press (HPMP), extrusion (EMP) and injection molding process (IMP). The physical morphology of BPF was similar at different manufacturing processes. Compared to the samples manufactured by HPMP, a decrease in the (specific) flexural strength of BPF/HDPE composites and an increase in those of composites treated by nano CaCO3 manufactured More >

  • Open Access


    Effect of Phenolation, Lignin-Type and Degree of Substitution on the Properties of Lignin-Modified Phenol-Formaldehyde Impregnation Resins: Molecular Weight Distribution, Wetting Behavior, Rheological Properties and Thermal Curing Profiles

    Marion Thébault1, Larysa Kutuzova2, Sandra Jury1, Iris Eicher1, Edith-Martha Zikulnig-Rusch1, Andreas Kandelbauer2,*

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.8, No.6, pp. 603-630, 2020, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2020.09616 - 12 May 2020

    Abstract Here, the effects of substituting portions of fossil-based phenol in phenol formaldehyde resin by renewable lignin from two different sources are investigated using a factorial screening experimental design. Among the resins consumed by the wood-based industry, phenolics are one of the most important types used for impregnation, coating or gluing purposes. They are prepared by condensing phenol with formaldehyde (PF). One major use of PF is as matrix polymer for decorative laminates in exterior cladding and wet-room applications. Important requirements for such PFs are favorable flow properties (low viscosity), rapid curing behavior (high reactivity) and… More >

  • Open Access


    Influence of Xyloglucan Molar Mass on Rheological Properties of Cellulose Nanocrystal/Xyloglucan Hydrogels

    Malika Talantikite1,*, Antoine Gourlay1, Sophie Le Gall1, Bernard Cathala1

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.7, No.12, pp. 1381-1390, 2019, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2019.07838

    Abstract Plant components are an inexhaustible source for the construction of bio-based materials. Here we report, for the first time, the elaboration of biobased cellulose nanocrystals (CNC)/xyloglucan (XG) hydrogels. XG is a hemicellulose displaying a great affinity for cellulose surface and can be thus irreversibly adsorbed on CNC. Properties of the hydrogels were investigated by varying the molar mass of XG either by enzymatic treatment with Endoglucanase (EG2) or physical fractionation by ultrasound (US). Fractions were characterised by high-performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) and their monosacchari decompositions were determined. Three fractions with high, average and small… More >

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