T. Manikandan1, S. Karthikeyan2,*, J. Jai Jaganath Babu3, G. Babu4
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.35, No.3, pp. 2755-2771, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.030497
Abstract Signal to noise ratio in ultrasound medical images captured through the digital camera is poorer, resulting in an inaccurate diagnosis. As a result, it needs an efficient despeckling method for ultrasound images in clinical practice and telemedicine. This article proposes a novel adaptive fuzzy filter based on the directionality and translation invariant property of the Non-Sub sampled Contour-let Transform (NSCT). Since speckle-noise causes fuzziness in ultrasound images, fuzzy logic may be a straightforward technique to derive the output from the noisy images. This filtering method comprises detection and filtering stages. First, image regions classify at… More >