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Material Uncertainty Effects on Frequency of Composite Plates with Matrix Crack Induced Delaminations


1 Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
2 Corresponding author. Email:, Tel: 91-80-22933017, Fax: 91-8023600134

Structural Durability & Health Monitoring 2011, 7(1&2), 119-138.


The effect of random variation in composite material properties on the reliability of structural damage detection is addressed in this paper. A composite plate is considered as the structure and a finite element model is used for the simulation. Damage growth due to cyclic loading is addressed. Matrix crack induced delamination is emphasized in this paper. Thresholds for the damage accumulation are found using finite element simulations so that the structure can be subjected to inspections and removed from service safely. Uncertainty effects of composite material properties on the response of the structure are quantified using Monte Carlo simulations. Vibration modes which are robust damage indicators for fixed and simply supported plates are identified.


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APA Style
Gayathri, P., Ganguli, R. (2011). Material uncertainty effects on frequency of composite plates with matrix crack induced delaminations. Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, 7(1&2), 119–138.
Vancouver Style
Gayathri P, Ganguli R. Material uncertainty effects on frequency of composite plates with matrix crack induced delaminations. Structural Durability Health Monit. 2011;7(1&2):119–138.
IEEE Style
P. Gayathri and R. Ganguli, “Material Uncertainty Effects on Frequency of Composite Plates with Matrix Crack Induced Delaminations,” Structural Durability Health Monit., vol. 7, no. 1&2, pp. 119–138, 2011.

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