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Micromechanics-Based Elastic Fields of Closed-Cell Porous Media


1 College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Hebei University, Baoding, 071002, China
2 Department of Engineering Mechanics, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China.
* Corresponding author: Qingsheng Yang. Email:

Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2018, 114(2), 239-259.


Fluid-filled closed-cell porous media could exhibit distinctive features which are influenced by initial fluid pressures inside the cavities. Based on the equivalent far-field method, micromechanics-based solutions for the local elastic fields of porous media saturated with pressurized fluid are formulated in this paper. In the present micromechanics model, three configurations are introduced to characterize the different state the closed-cell porous media. The fluid-filled cavity is assumed to be a compressible elastic solid with a zero shear modulus, and the pressures in closed pores are represented by eigenstrains introduced in fluid domains. With the assumption of spheroidal fluid-filled pores, the local stress and strain fields in solid matrix of porous media are derived by using the Exterior-Point Eshelby tensors, which are dependent of the Poisson’s ratio of solid matrix and the locations of the investigated material points outside the spheroidal fluid domain. The reliability and accuracy of the analytical elastic solutions are verified by a classical example. Moreover, for finite volume fraction of the fluid inclusions, the local elastic fields of the porous media subjected to the initial fluid pressure and external load are obtained. The results show that the present micromechanics model provides an effective approach to characterize the local elastic fields of the materials with closed-cell fluid-filled pores.


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APA Style
Ma, L., Yang, Q. (2018). Micromechanics-based elastic fields of closed-cell porous media. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 114(2), 239–259.
Vancouver Style
Ma L, Yang Q. Micromechanics-based elastic fields of closed-cell porous media. Comput Model Eng Sci. 2018;114(2):239–259.
IEEE Style
L. Ma and Q. Yang, “Micromechanics-Based Elastic Fields of Closed-Cell Porous Media,” Comput. Model. Eng. Sci., vol. 114, no. 2, pp. 239–259, 2018.

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