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IoT Based Approach in a Power System Network for Optimizing Distributed Generation Parameters

by P. Shanmugapriya1, J. Baskaran2, C. Nayanatara1, D. P. Kothari3

Sri SaiRam Engineering College, Chennai-600044, Tamil Nadu. India.
Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur. Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu.
Dean-Research & Development, J.D. College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur.

* Corresponding Author: C. Nayanatara. Email: email.

Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2019, 119(3), 541-558.


The objective of this paper is to provide a robust Virtual Power Plant (VPP) network collaborated with Internet of Things (IoT) which uses a conceptual model to integrate each device in the grid. Based on the functionality all the devices which are purely distributed within the grid are networked initially from residential units to substations and up to service data and demand centres. To ensure the trapping of the available power and the efficient transfer of Distributed Generation (DG) power to the grid Distribution Active Control (DAC) strategy is used. Synchronized optimization of DG parameter which includes DG size, location and type are adopted using Dispatch strategy. The case studies are optimized by rescheduling the generation and with load curtailment. Maximized Customer Benefit (MCB) is taken as an objective function and a straight forward solution is given by heuristic search techniques. This method was vindicated in a practical Indian Utility system. This control proposes better performances, ensures reliability and efficiency even under parameter variations along with disturbances which is justified using IEEE 118 bus system and real time Indian utility 63 bus system. Results reveal that the proposed technique proves advantages of low computational intricacy.


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APA Style
Shanmugapriya, P., Baskaran, J., Nayanatara, C., P. Kothari, D. (2019). Iot based approach in a power system network for optimizing distributed generation parameters. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 119(3), 541–558.
Vancouver Style
Shanmugapriya P, Baskaran J, Nayanatara C, P. Kothari D. Iot based approach in a power system network for optimizing distributed generation parameters. Comput Model Eng Sci. 2019;119(3):541–558.
IEEE Style
P. Shanmugapriya, J. Baskaran, C. Nayanatara, and D. P. Kothari, “IoT Based Approach in a Power System Network for Optimizing Distributed Generation Parameters,” Comput. Model. Eng. Sci., vol. 119, no. 3, pp. 541–558, 2019.


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