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Finite Element Implementation of the Exponential Drucker–Prager Plasticity Model for Adhesive Joints

by Kerati Suwanpakpraek1,3, Baramee Patamaprohm1,3, Sacharuck Pornpeerakeat2,3, Arisara Chaikittiratana1,3,*

1 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, 10800, Thailand
2 Department of Teacher Training in Civil Engineering, Faculty of Technical Education, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, 10800, Thailand
3 KMUTNB–TU Chemnitz Collaborative Center for Lightweight Structures Technologies (LiST), King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, 10800, Thailand

* Corresponding Author: Arisara Chaikittiratana. Email: email

Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2023, 135(3), 1765-1778.


This paper deals with the numerical implementation of the exponential Drucker-Parger plasticity model in the commercial finite element software, ABAQUS, via user subroutine UMAT for adhesive joint simulations. The influence of hydrostatic pressure on adhesive strength was investigated by a modified Arcan fixture designed particularly to induce a different state of hydrostatic pressure within an adhesive layer. The developed user subroutine UMAT, which utilizes an associated plastic flow during a plastic deformation, can provide a good agreement between the simulations and the experimental data. Better numerical stability at highly positive hydrostatic pressure loads for a very high order of exponential function can also be achieved compared to when a non-associated flow is used.

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Finite Element Implementation of the Exponential Drucker–Prager Plasticity Model for Adhesive Joints


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APA Style
Suwanpakpraek, K., Patamaprohm, B., Pornpeerakeat, S., Chaikittiratana, A. (2023). Finite element implementation of the exponential drucker–prager plasticity model for adhesive joints. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 135(3), 1765–1778.
Vancouver Style
Suwanpakpraek K, Patamaprohm B, Pornpeerakeat S, Chaikittiratana A. Finite element implementation of the exponential drucker–prager plasticity model for adhesive joints. Comput Model Eng Sci. 2023;135(3):1765–1778.
IEEE Style
K. Suwanpakpraek, B. Patamaprohm, S. Pornpeerakeat, and A. Chaikittiratana, “Finite Element Implementation of the Exponential Drucker–Prager Plasticity Model for Adhesive Joints,” Comput. Model. Eng. Sci., vol. 135, no. 3, pp. 1765–1778, 2023.

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