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Acoustic Scattering from Fluid Bodies of Arbitrary Shape

by B. Ch,rasekhar1, Sadasiva M. Rao2

Super Computer Education Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, U.S.A

Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2007, 21(1), 67-80.


In this work, a simple and robust numerical method to calculate the scattered acoustic fields from fluid bodies of arbitrary shape subjected to a plane wave incidence is presented. Three formulations are investigated in this work$viz.$ the single layer formulation (SLF), the double layer formulation (DLF), and the combined layer formulation (CLF). Although the SLF and the DLF are prone to non-uniqueness at certain discrete frequencies of the incident wave, the CLF is problem-free, eliminates numerical artifacts, and provides a unique solution at all frequencies. Further, all the three formulations are surface formulations which implies that only the scatterer surface is discretized for the numerical solution. The numerical solution is obtained by approximating the fluid body surface by triangular patches and adopting the method of moments (MoM) solution procedure. Finally, several numerical examples have been presented to highlight the capabilities of the present work.


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APA Style
Ch, B., rasekhar, , Rao, S.M. (2007). Acoustic scattering from fluid bodies of arbitrary shape. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 21(1), 67–80.
Vancouver Style
Ch B, rasekhar , Rao SM. Acoustic scattering from fluid bodies of arbitrary shape. Comput Model Eng Sci. 2007;21(1):67–80.
IEEE Style
B. Ch, rasekhar, and S. M. Rao, “Acoustic Scattering from Fluid Bodies of Arbitrary Shape,” Comput. Model. Eng. Sci., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 67–80, 2007.

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