Open Access
On Numerical Modeling of Cyclic Elastoplastic Response of Shell Structures
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, I. Lučića 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
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Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2008, 26(2), 75-90.
An efficient numerical algorithm for modeling of cyclic elastoplastic deformation of shell structures is derived. The constitutive model includes highly nonlinear multi-component forms of kinematic and isotropic hardening functions in conjunction with von Mises yield criterion. Therein, the closest point projection algorithm employing the Reissner-Mindlin type kinematic model, completely formulated in tensor notation, is applied. A consistent elastoplastic tangent modulus ensures high convergence rates in the global iteration approach. The integration algorithm has been implemented into a layered assumed strain isoparametric finite shell element, which is capable of geometrical nonlinearities including finite rotations. Numerical examples, considering the symmetric and nonsymmetric loading controlled tests, illustrate the ratcheting effect and stabilization of the load-displacement response. Accuracy and robustness of the proposed algorithms are demonstrated.Keywords
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