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Dynamic Nonlinear Material Behaviour of Thin Shells in Finite Displacements and Rotations

by C.E. Majorana1, V.A. Salomoni

Department of Structural and Transportation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Padua, Italy.

Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2008, 33(1), 49-84.


A dynamic analysis of a thin shell finite element undergoing large displacements and rotations is here presented. The constitutive model adopted derives from the coupling of an hyperelastic basic model fulfilling a De Saint Venant-Kirchhoff criterion with a scalar damage function depending on the maximum value of a suitable strain measure attained through the deformation history; then plastic effects are included using an isotropic/kinematic hardening law. A conservative time integration scheme for the non-linear dynamics of the hyperelastic damaged-plastic thin shell is applied. The main characteristic of the scheme is to be conservative, since it allows for the time-discrete system to preserve the basic laws of continuum, namely the balance of the linear and angular momentum as well as the fulfilment of the second law of thermodynamics.


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APA Style
Majorana, C., Salomoni, V. (2008). Dynamic nonlinear material behaviour of thin shells in finite displacements and rotations. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 33(1), 49–84.
Vancouver Style
Majorana C, Salomoni V. Dynamic nonlinear material behaviour of thin shells in finite displacements and rotations. Comput Model Eng Sci. 2008;33(1):49–84.
IEEE Style
C. Majorana and V. Salomoni, “Dynamic Nonlinear Material Behaviour of Thin Shells in Finite Displacements and Rotations,” Comput. Model. Eng. Sci., vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 49–84, 2008.

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