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Inverse Sensitivity Analysis of Singular Solutions of FRF matrix in Structural System Identification

by S. Venkatesha1, R. Rajender2, C. S. Manohar3

Technical Officer.
ME student; presently with General Eelctric India Technology Centre, Bangalore.
Professor, Author for correspondence; email:; phone: 91 80 22933121; Fax: 91 80 2360 0404. Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012 India.

Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2008, 37(2), 113-152.


The problem of structural damage detection based on measured frequency response functions of the structure in its damaged and undamaged states is considered. A novel procedure that is based on inverse sensitivity of the singular solutions of the system FRF matrix is proposed. The treatment of possibly ill-conditioned set of equations via regularization scheme and questions on spatial incompleteness of measurements are considered. The application of the method in dealing with systems with repeated natural frequencies and (or) packets of closely spaced modes is demonstrated. The relationship between the proposed method and the methods based on inverse sensitivity of eigensolutions and frequency response functions is noted. The numerical examples on a 5-degree of freedom system, a one span free-free beam and a spatially periodic multi-span beam demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method and its superior performance \textit {vis-a-vis }methods based on inverse eigensensitivity.


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APA Style
Venkatesha, S., Rajender, R., Manohar, C.S. (2008). Inverse sensitivity analysis of singular solutions of FRF matrix in structural system identification. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 37(2), 113–152.
Vancouver Style
Venkatesha S, Rajender R, Manohar CS. Inverse sensitivity analysis of singular solutions of FRF matrix in structural system identification. Comput Model Eng Sci. 2008;37(2):113–152.
IEEE Style
S. Venkatesha, R. Rajender, and C. S. Manohar, “Inverse Sensitivity Analysis of Singular Solutions of FRF matrix in Structural System Identification,” Comput. Model. Eng. Sci., vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 113–152, 2008.

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