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Transform Domain Based Hybrid Element Formulations for Transient Electromagnetic Field Computations

by P. Jose1, R.Kanapady2, K.K.Tamma3

Doctoral student,, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, EE/CSci 4-178, 200 Union Street S.E.University of Minnesota, MN 55455
Research associate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AHPCRC, University of Minnesota, MN, U.S.A.,, Ph: 612-626-8101, Fax: 612-626-1596.
Professor, and Technical Director, Department of Mechanical Engineering, and AHPCRC, University of Minnesota, MN, U.S.A., Ph: 612-626-8102, Fax: 612-626-1596.

Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2004, 5(5), 409-422.


In this article, a novel hybrid finite element and Laplace transform formulation is presented for the computations of transient electromagnetic fields. The formulation is first based on application of Laplace transform technique for the pertinent differential equations, namely the Maxwell's equation in the non-integral form with subsequently, employing the Galerkin finite element formulations on the transformed equations to maintain the modeling versatility of complex geometries and numerical features for computational analysis. In addition, in conjunction with the above, proper scaling of the field quantities is applied to improve the condition of the effective global stiffness matrix. The problem is first solved in the transform domain itself, and then an inverse Laplace transformation on the resultant field variables is employed to yield the time-domain solution at desired times of interest. Pertinent details of the approach, computational methodology adopted, convergence studies and accuracy of results are described in detail. Numerical test cases are compared with exact analytic solutions to verify the method. In addition, the practical applicability of the method for scattering and radar cross section prediction for two-dimensional problems is presented for illustration.


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APA Style
Jose, P., R.Kanapady, , K.K.Tamma, (2004). Transform domain based hybrid element formulations for transient electromagnetic field computations. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 5(5), 409–422.
Vancouver Style
Jose P, R.Kanapady , K.K.Tamma . Transform domain based hybrid element formulations for transient electromagnetic field computations. Comput Model Eng Sci. 2004;5(5):409–422.
IEEE Style
P. Jose, R.Kanapady, and K.K.Tamma, “Transform Domain Based Hybrid Element Formulations for Transient Electromagnetic Field Computations,” Comput. Model. Eng. Sci., vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 409–422, 2004.

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