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Study of Deformation Mechanisms in Titanium by Interrupted Rolling and Channel Die Compression Tests

by Lei Bao1, Christophe Schuman1, Jean-sébastien Lecomte1, Xiang Zhao2, Liang Zuo2, Claude Esling1

LETAM, CNRS FRE 3143 (former UMR 7078) University of Metz, 57045 Metz, France
Laboratory for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials (MOE), NEU, Shenyang, 110004, China

Computers, Materials & Continua 2010, 15(2), 113-128.


The mechanisms of small plastic deformation of titanium (T40) during cold rolling and channel die compression by means of "interrupted in situ" EBSD orientation measurements were studied. These interrupted EBSD orientation measurements allow to determine the rotation flow field which leads to the development of the crystallographic texture during the plastic deformation. Results show that during rolling, tension twins and compression twins occur and various glide systems are activated, the number of grains being larger with twins than with slip traces. In channel die compression, only tension twins are observed in some grains, whereas slip traces can be spotted in almost all observed grains. The different stress conditions and different strain rates existing under the two modes of deformation lead to the activation of different deformation mechanisms.


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APA Style
Bao, L., Schuman, C., Lecomte, J., Philippe, M., Zhao, X. et al. (2010). Study of deformation mechanisms in titanium by interrupted rolling and channel die compression tests. Computers, Materials & Continua, 15(2), 113–128.
Vancouver Style
Bao L, Schuman C, Lecomte J, Philippe M, Zhao X, Zuo L, et al. Study of deformation mechanisms in titanium by interrupted rolling and channel die compression tests. Comput Mater Contin. 2010;15(2):113–128.
IEEE Style
L. Bao et al., “Study of Deformation Mechanisms in Titanium by Interrupted Rolling and Channel Die Compression Tests,” Comput. Mater. Contin., vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 113–128, 2010.

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