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Extremal Coalitions for Influence Games Through Swarm Intelligence-Based Methods

by Fabián Riquelme1,*, Rodrigo Olivares1, Francisco Muñoz1, Xavier Molinero3, Maria Serna2

1 Escuela de Ingeniería Informática, Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile
2 Computer Science Department, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
3 Mathematics Department, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain

* Corresponding Author: Fabián Riquelme. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Recent Advances in Metaheuristic Techniques and Their Real-World Applications)

Computers, Materials & Continua 2022, 70(3), 6305-6321.


An influence game is a simple game represented over an influence graph (i.e., a labeled, weighted graph) on which the influence spread phenomenon is exerted. Influence games allow applying different properties and parameters coming from cooperative game theory to the contexts of social network analysis, decision-systems, voting systems, and collective behavior. The exact calculation of several of these properties and parameters is computationally hard, even for a small number of players. Two examples of these parameters are the length and the width of a game. The length of a game is the size of its smaller winning coalition, while the width of a game is the size of its larger losing coalition. Both parameters are relevant to know the levels of difficulty in reaching agreements in collective decision-making systems. Despite the above, new bio-inspired metaheuristic algorithms have recently been developed to solve the NP-hard influence maximization problem in an efficient and approximate way, being able to find small winning coalitions that maximize the influence spread within an influence graph. In this article, we apply some variations of this solution to find extreme winning and losing coalitions, and thus efficient approximate solutions for the length and the width of influence games. As a case study, we consider two real social networks, one formed by the 58 members of the European Union Council under nice voting rules, and the other formed by the 705 members of the European Parliament, connected by political affinity. Results are promising and show that it is feasible to generate approximate solutions for the length and width parameters of influence games, in reduced solving time.


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APA Style
Riquelme, F., Olivares, R., Muñoz, F., Molinero, X., Serna, M. (2022). Extremal coalitions for influence games through swarm intelligence-based methods. Computers, Materials & Continua, 70(3), 6305–6321.
Vancouver Style
Riquelme F, Olivares R, Muñoz F, Molinero X, Serna M. Extremal coalitions for influence games through swarm intelligence-based methods. Comput Mater Contin. 2022;70(3):6305–6321.
IEEE Style
F. Riquelme, R. Olivares, F. Muñoz, X. Molinero, and M. Serna, “Extremal Coalitions for Influence Games Through Swarm Intelligence-Based Methods,” Comput. Mater. Contin., vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 6305–6321, 2022.

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