Open Access
Nonlinear Components of a Block Cipher over Eisenstein Integers
1 Department of Mathematics, College of Science, King Khalid University, Abha, 61413, Saudi Arabia
2 Department of Mathematics, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad, 45320, Pakistan
3 Department of Information Technology, University of Tabuk, Tabuk, 71491, Saudi Arabia
4 Department of Computer Science, College of Computer Science & Information Technology, Jazan University, Jazan, 45142, Saudi Arabia
* Corresponding Author: Tariq Shah. Email:
Computers, Materials & Continua 2023, 77(3), 3659-3675.
Received 07 January 2023; Accepted 14 April 2023; Issue published 26 December 2023
In block ciphers, the nonlinear components, also known as substitution boxes (S-boxes), are used with the purpose to induce confusion in cryptosystems. For the last decade, most of the work on designing S-boxes over the points of elliptic curves, chaotic maps, and Gaussian integers has been published. The main purpose of these studies is to hide data and improve the security levels of crypto algorithms. In this work, we design pair of nonlinear components of a block cipher over the residue class of Eisenstein integers (EI). The fascinating features of this structure provide S-boxes pair at a time by fixing three parameters. However, in the same way, by taking three fixed parameters only one S-box is obtained through a prime field-dependent Elliptic curve (EC), chaotic maps, and Gaussian integers. The newly designed pair of S-boxes are assessed by various tests like nonlinearity, bit independence criterion, strict avalanche criterion, linear approximation probability, and differential approximation probability.Keywords
Cryptography was widely used in military, diplomatic, and government applications until the 1970s. In the 1980s, the telecommunications and financial industries installed hardware cryptographic devices. The mobile phone system was the first cryptographic application in the late 1980s. Nowadays, everyone uses cryptographic applications in their daily lives. Our daily lives commonly depend on the secure transmission of information and data. Online shopping, cell phone messages and calls, ATMs, electronic mail, facsimile, wireless media, and data transfer over the internet all require a system to maintain the secrecy and integrity of private information. Cryptography offers a mechanism for everyone to interact safely in a hostile environment. Sensitive data is significantly aided by cryptography. Communication is encrypted to guarantee that its meaning is hidden, preventing anybody who reads it from understanding something regarding it unless somebody else manages to decrypt it [1].
In cryptography, the S-box is crucial for ensuring secure communication. Shannon suggested the notion of an S-box in 1949 in [2]. S-boxes serve a pivotal role in causing confusion within the data. According to Shannon, concealing the relationship between the key and cipher text is referred to as confusion, while concealing the statistical link between plain text as well as cipher text is referred to as diffusion. In other words, the non-uniformity in the distribution of individual letters inside plain text should be redistributed into the non-uniformity in the distribution of much bigger structures in the encrypted text, which is substantially more difficult to decrypt [3]. The Rijndael algorithm is basically the same as an iterated block cipher but has a few extra features. Before we talk about the Rijndael algorithm, we will talk about an iterated block cipher shown in [4].
Many scholars employed diverse algebraic and statistical frameworks to confound data and produce S-boxes. In [5], the authors suggested S-boxes over the permutation of the symmetric group. In [6], Javeed et al. constructed the non-linear component of block cipher by means of a chaotic dynamical system and symmetric group. In [7], the authors described the S-box based on the subgroup of the Galois field. The author suggested a robust encryption system using a modified Chebyshev map, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) S-boxes, and a symmetric group of permutations [8].
In [9], the authors proposed a new scheme for the construction of the S-box based on the linear fractional transformation (LFT) and permutation function. In [10], the authors proposed S-box over the Mobius group and finite field. The author proposed S-box on a nonlinear chaotic map in [11]. In [12], Sajjad et al. designed pair of nonlinear components of a block cipher over Gaussian integers. In [13,14], the authors constructed cyclic codes over quaternion integers, these quaternion structures can be helpful for the construction of S-boxes. The authors designed differential cryptanalysis of DES-like cryptosystems in [15]. Cassal-Quiroga et al. generated the dynamical S-boxes for block ciphers via an extended logistic map [16]. Tang et al. designed a new method of dynamical S-boxes based on discretized chaotic maps [17]. Chen et al. extended method for obtaining S-boxes based on three-dimensional chaotic Baker maps [18]. The authors constructed s-boxes using different maps over elliptic curves for image encryption [19]. Cavusoglu et al. [20] constructed S-box based on chaotic scaled zhongtang system. Siddiqui et al. developed a novel scheme of substitution-box design based on modified Pascal’s triangle and elliptic curve in [21]. Farhan et al. designed a new S-box generation algorithm based on the multistability behavior of a plasma perturbation model [22]. In [23], the authors approached the S-boxes and permutation, substitution, based encryption.
Eisenstein integers are named after German mathematician Ferdinand Eisenstein, who first introduced them in the 1850s while studying the theory of quadratic forms. Like ordinary complex numbers, Eisenstein integers can be added and multiplied together. However, their properties are different. Eisenstein integers have important applications in number theory, coding theory, data security, and algebraic geometry. They also have connections to other areas of mathematics, such as algebraic number theory and modular forms [24].
An S-box generator is appropriate for cryptographic purposes if it can efficiently make highly dynamic S-boxes with good cryptographic properties or tests like nonlinearity, bit independence criterion, strict avalanche criterion, linear approximation probability, and differential approximation probability. The key contributions of our proposed study are given below:
• Propose an algorithm to generate pair of S-boxes by the cyclic group over the residue class of Eisenstein integers.
• Security Analysis.
• The advantages of the proposed algorithm over EI with some of the existing algorithms over EC.
This paper is structured as follows: Basic definitions, cyclic group over the residue class of Eisenstein integers, and some fundamental results are elaborated in Section 2. The scheme of the pair of new S-boxes is proposed in Section 3. Analysis of the proposed S-boxes including nonlinearity, bit independence criterion, strict avalanche criterion, linear approximation probability, and differential approximation probability investigated in Section 4. The comparison of the proposed S-boxes with some of the existing S-boxes are given in Section 5. Conclusions and future directions are given in Section 6.
This section provides the key concepts and basic findings that will be used in the study of upcoming sections. First of all, we recall the definition of Eisenstein integers, cyclic group over a residue class of Eisenstein integers, and some fundamental results.
Eisenstein Integers
In [24], Eisenstein integers are a subset of complex numbers with real and vector parts.
2. Multiplicative identity is 1.
An Eisenstein integer has only two parts, one is the scalar part
Addition of Two Eisenstein Integers
Multiplication of Two Eisenstein Integers
Theorem: In [24], the set of natural numbers for each odd rational prime
Theorem: In [24], if the norm of an Eisenstein integer
Definition: In [24], let
Theorem: In [24], let
Remark: The group generated b
3 Redesign of Pair of
Multiple methods can be employed to cause confusion inside a security system. S-box is one of the most efficient cryptographic algorithms in use today. The S-boxes are generally formed using the EI class or the multiplicative cyclic group. As a result, it is feasible to create a variety of S-boxes across the residue class of EI, which presents a fantastic outlook for the development of secure and consistent cryptosystems. The subsequent procedures are useful for constructing S-boxes over the residue class of EI (Multiplicative cyclic group).
Step 1: Construct a cyclic group
Step 2: Apply permutation through affine mapping as:
Step 3: Separate real and vector parts of Step 2.
Step 4: Apply modulo
Step 5: Select the first
Step 6: Get a pair of S-boxes.
The construction of S-boxes by Eisenstein integers provides us with better performance instead of S-boxes by using other structures like as chaotic maps, elliptic curves, finite fields, etc.
3.1 Pair of 4 × 4 S-boxes over the Residue Class of EI
Apply the affine permutation mapping,
3.2 Pair of 8 × 8 S-boxes over the Residue Class of EI
Example 1: Let
Example 2: Let
There are the following tests to analyze the properties of S-boxes.
The nonlinearity of the S-box refers to the property of the substitution box used in cryptographic algorithms, which is designed to introduce nonlinearity into the encryption process. In particular, the S-box is used in block ciphers to perform the substitution of plaintext bits with cipher text bits, and its nonlinearity is important for the security of the cipher. The nonlinearity of the S-box is usually measured using a metric called the “nonlinearity coefficient” or “nonlinearity index”. This metric quantifies the degree of nonlinearity introduced by the S-box and is based on the Walsh-Hadamard transform of the S-box. A high nonlinearity coefficient indicates that the S-box is highly nonlinear, which is desirable for cryptographic purposes. Nonlinear S-boxes make it more difficult for an attacker to find patterns or correlations between the plaintext and cipher text, which can be used to break the cipher [25]. To achieve high nonlinearity, S-boxes are often constructed using mathematical functions that are highly nonlinear, such as power functions or finite field operations. The upper bound of nonlinearity is
The average non-linearity of proposed S-boxes is 107, 106.75, 107.0, and 106.75.
4.2 Bit Independent Criterion (BIC)
The bit independence criterion of an S-box is a measure of its resistance to linear and differential cryptanalysis attacks. Specifically, it refers to the property that no linear relationship exists between any two output bits of the S-box and any two input bits of the S-box. In other words, the bit independence criterion of an S-box ensures that changing one input bit or one output bit of the S-box will not affect the other output bits or input bits, respectively, in a linear way [26]. This property makes it more difficult for an attacker to analyze the S-box using linear or differential cryptanalysis. To achieve high bit independence, S-box designers often use mathematical structures, such as finite fields and Boolean functions, to construct the S-box lookup table. They also perform extensive testing and analysis to ensure that the S-box meets the required bit independence criteria and other cryptographic properties. The results of the BIC are given in Tables 9–12.
4.3 Linear Approximation Probability (LP)
The linear approximation probability for a substitution box (S-box) is a measure of the probability that a linear approximation of the S-box will hold. In other words, it is a measure of the correlation between a set of input bits and a set of output bits of the S-box [27]. The linear approximation probability of an S-box is defined as
4.4 Differential Approximation Probability (DAP)
The differential approximation probability for a substitution box (S-box) is a measure of the probability that a differential approximation of the S-box will hold. In other words, it is a measure of the correlation between a set of input differences and a set of output differences of the S-box. The differential approximation probability of an S-box is defined as
The maximum value of differential approximation probability for both S-boxes
4.5 Strict Avalanche Criterion (SAC)
The Strict Avalanche Criterion (SAC) is a measure of the cryptographic strength of a substitution box (S-box). The SAC measures how much a change in one input bit affects the output bits on average, and is defined as follows: For every pair of input bits
The former tests are performed on well-known S-boxes over EC, chaotic maps, and finite fields presented in [19–23,26,27] in order to compare them to the proposed S-boxes
Figure 1: Comparison of NL of proposed work with existing works
Figure 2: Comparison of BIC, SAC and LAP of proposed work with existing works
6 Conclusion and Future Directions
We propose a novel construction of substitution boxes by using affine mapping and fixing three parameters a, b, and p. By fixing the three parameters, the prime field dependent on the EC, chaotic maps, and Gaussian integers provide one S-box at a time. Here, the Prime p must be greater than or equal to 257 and belong to the cyclic group over the residue class of Eisenstein integers in order to produce cryptographically robust S-boxes. The newly proposed S-boxes are tested by using different available algebraic and statistical tests. Additionally, the proposed S-boxes cryptographic characteristics are contrasted with some of the currently used S-boxes over EC, Gaussian integers, and chaotic maps. The results indicate that the proposed algorithm can generate paired S-boxes with high resistance to linear and differential attacks.
The proposed S-boxes over the residue class of EI integers may extend to the S-boxes over the residue class of quaternion and octonion integers. These structures may also use for watermarking and image encryption.
Acknowledgement: The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments. This work was financially supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Khalid University in Saudi Arabia.
Funding Statement: The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Khalid University, for funding this work through the General Research Groups Program under Grant No. R.G.P.2/109/43.
Author Contributions: Study conception and design: M. S., and T. S.; data collection: M. S., and M. M. H.; analysis and interpretation of results: M. S., T. S., M. M. H., Z. B., and A. A.; draft manuscript preparation: M. S., and M. M. H. All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Availability of Data and Materials: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to report regarding the present study.
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