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QoS Constrained Network Coding Technique to Data Transmission Using IoT

by A. Sathishkumar1,*, T. Rammohan2, S. Sathish Kumar3, J. Uma3, K. Srujan Raju4, Aarti Sangwan5, M. Sivachitra6, M. Prabu7

1 Department of ECE, The Kavery Engineering College, Mecheri, 636453, Tamilnadu, India
2 Department of EEE, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, 641032, India
3 Department of EEE, M. Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur, 639113, India
4 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad, 501401, India
5 Department of CST, Manav Rachna University, Faridabad, 121004, India
6 Department of EEE, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, 638060, India
7 Department of EEE, Nandha Engineering College, Perundurai, Tamilnadu, 638052, India

* Corresponding Author: A. Sathishkumar. Email: email

Computer Systems Science and Engineering 2022, 43(2), 531-544.


The research work presents, constrained network coding technique to ensure the successful data transmission based composite channel cmos technology using dielectric properties. The charge fragmentation and charge splitting are two components of the filtered switch domino (FSD) technique. Further behavior of selected switching is achieved using generator called conditional pulse generator which is employed in Multi Dynamic Node Domino (MDND) technique. Both FSD and MDND technique need wide area compared to existing single node-keeper domino technique. The aim of this research is to minimize dissipation of power and to achieve less consumption of power. The proposed research, works by introducing the method namely Interference and throughput aware Optimized Multicast Routing Protocol (IT-OMRP). The main goal of this proposed research method is to introduce the system which can forward the data packets towards the destination securely and successfully. To achieve the bandwidth and throughput in optimized data transmission, proposed multicast tree is selected by Particle Swarm Optimization which will select the most optimal host node as the branches of multi cast tree. Here node selection is done by considering the objectives residual energy, residual bandwidth and throughput. After node selection multi cast routing is done with the concern of interference to ensure the reliable and successful data transmission. In case of transmission range size is higher than the coverage sense range, successful routing is ensured by selecting secondary host forwarders as a backup which will act as intermediate relay forwarders. The NS2 simulator is used to evaluate research outcome from which it is proved that the proposed technique tends to have increased packet delivery ratio than the existing work.


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APA Style
Sathishkumar, A., Rammohan, T., Sathish Kumar, S., Uma, J., Srujan Raju, K. et al. (2022). Qos constrained network coding technique to data transmission using iot. Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 43(2), 531–544.
Vancouver Style
Sathishkumar A, Rammohan T, Sathish Kumar S, Uma J, Srujan Raju K, Sangwan A, et al. Qos constrained network coding technique to data transmission using iot. Comput Syst Sci Eng. 2022;43(2):531–544.
IEEE Style
A. Sathishkumar et al., “QoS Constrained Network Coding Technique to Data Transmission Using IoT,” Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng., vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 531–544, 2022.

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