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Multi-Stage Voltage Control Optimization Strategy for Distribution Networks Considering Active-Reactive Co-Regulation of Electric Vehicles

by Shukang Lyu*, Fei Zeng, Huachun Han, Huiyu Miao, Yi Pan, Xiaodong Yuan

Electric Power Research Institute, State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd., Nanjing, 211103, China

* Corresponding Author: Shukang Lyu. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Emerging Technologies for Future Smart Grids)

Energy Engineering 2025, 122(1), 221-242.


The high proportion of uncertain distributed power sources and the access to large-scale random electric vehicle (EV) charging resources further aggravate the voltage fluctuation of the distribution network, and the existing research has not deeply explored the EV active-reactive synergistic regulating characteristics, and failed to realize the multi-timescale synergistic control with other regulating means, For this reason, this paper proposes a multilevel linkage coordinated optimization strategy to reduce the voltage deviation of the distribution network. Firstly, a capacitor bank reactive power compensation voltage control model and a distributed photovoltaic (PV) active-reactive power regulation model are established. Additionally, an external characteristic model of EV active-reactive power regulation is developed considering the four-quadrant operational characteristics of the EV charger. A multi-objective optimization model of the distribution network is then constructed considering the time-series coupling constraints of multiple types of voltage regulators. A multi-timescale control strategy is proposed by considering the impact of voltage regulators on active-reactive EV energy consumption and PV energy consumption. Then, a four-stage voltage control optimization strategy is proposed for various types of voltage regulators with multiple time scales. The multi-objective optimization is solved with the improved Drosophila algorithm to realize the power fluctuation control of the distribution network and the multi-stage voltage control optimization. Simulation results validate that the proposed voltage control optimization strategy achieves the coordinated control of decentralized voltage control resources in the distribution network. It effectively reduces the voltage deviation of the distribution network while ensuring the energy demand of EV users and enhancing the stability and economic efficiency of the distribution network.


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APA Style
Lyu, S., Zeng, F., Han, H., Miao, H., Pan, Y. et al. (2025). Multi-stage voltage control optimization strategy for distribution networks considering active-reactive co-regulation of electric vehicles. Energy Engineering, 122(1), 221–242.
Vancouver Style
Lyu S, Zeng F, Han H, Miao H, Pan Y, Yuan X. Multi-stage voltage control optimization strategy for distribution networks considering active-reactive co-regulation of electric vehicles. Energ Eng. 2025;122(1):221–242.
IEEE Style
S. Lyu, F. Zeng, H. Han, H. Miao, Y. Pan, and X. Yuan, “Multi-Stage Voltage Control Optimization Strategy for Distribution Networks Considering Active-Reactive Co-Regulation of Electric Vehicles,” Energ. Eng., vol. 122, no. 1, pp. 221–242, 2025.

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