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Numerical Investigation of Snow Prevention in the Bogie Region of High-Speed Trains with Active Blowing under Crosswind Conditions

by Yao Zhang1, Hong Lan1,3, Jiye Zhang1,*, Lu Cai2, Yuzhe Ma1

1 State Key Laboratory of Rail Transit Vehicle System, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, 610031, China
2 College of Railway Transportation, Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou, 412000, China
3 GD Midea Air-Conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd., Foshan, 528000, China

* Corresponding Author: Jiye Zhang. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Computational Fluid Dynamics: Two- and Three-dimensional fluid flow analysis over a body using commercial software)

Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2024, 20(12), 2789-2808.


In this study, the unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes algorithm coupled with the Discrete Phase Model (DPM) was used to study the accumulation of snow in the bogie region of a high-speed train under crosswind conditions. Moreover, the impact of active blowing schemes on the airflow around the bogie and the dynamics and deposition of snow particles were also assessed. According to the results: in the crosswind environment, active blowing changes the flow field in the bogie area, reducing the flow of air coming from the windward side and bottom of the bogie. The trajectory of snow particles carried by crosswinds is modified due to the reduced airflow into the bogie region. With no active blowing, snow accumulation is mainly concentrated in the bogie cavity, frame, and primary suspension; while it is reduced by nearly an order of magnitude as soon as blowing is enabled. Blowing speeds need to be distributed appropriately in order to achieve the best possible snow protection. Continuously increasing the blowing speed on one side does not improve the amount of snow in the bogie region. The optimal condition for snow prevention of the entire train is achieved with a windward side blowing speed of 4 m/s and a leeward side blowing speed of 6 m/s, resulting in a snow reduction rate of 95.6%. Moreover, higher blowing speeds on the leeward side are beneficial for mitigating snow accumulation in the bogie region.


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APA Style
Zhang, Y., Lan, H., Zhang, J., Cai, L., Ma, Y. (2024). Numerical investigation of snow prevention in the bogie region of high-speed trains with active blowing under crosswind conditions. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 20(12), 2789–2808.
Vancouver Style
Zhang Y, Lan H, Zhang J, Cai L, Ma Y. Numerical investigation of snow prevention in the bogie region of high-speed trains with active blowing under crosswind conditions. Fluid Dyn Mater Proc. 2024;20(12):2789–2808.
IEEE Style
Y. Zhang, H. Lan, J. Zhang, L. Cai, and Y. Ma, “Numerical Investigation of Snow Prevention in the Bogie Region of High-Speed Trains with Active Blowing under Crosswind Conditions,” Fluid Dyn. Mater. Proc., vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 2789–2808, 2024.

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