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Energy Efficient Load Balancing and Routing Using Multi-Objective Based Algorithm in WSN

by Hemant Kumar Vijayvergia1,*, Uma Shankar Modani2

1 Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Govt. Mahila Engineering College, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
2 Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Govt. Engineering College, Ajmer, India

* Corresponding Author: Hemant Kumar Vijayvergia. Email: email

Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 2023, 35(3), 3227-3239.


In wireless sensor network (WSN), the gateways which are placed far away from the base station (BS) forward the collected data to the BS through the gateways which are nearer to the BS. This leads to more energy consumption because the gateways nearer to the BS manages heavy traffic load. So, to overcome this issue, loads around the gateways are to be balanced by presenting energy efficient clustering approach. Besides, to enhance the lifetime of the network, optimal routing path is to be established between the source node and BS. For energy efficient load balancing and routing, multi objective based beetle swarm optimization (BSO) algorithm is presented in this paper. Using this algorithm, optimal clustering and routing are performed depend on the objective functions routing fitness and clustering fitness. This approach leads to decrease the power consumption. Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed BSO based clustering and routing scheme attains better results than that of the existing algorithms in terms of energy consumption, delivery ratio, throughput and network lifetime. Namely, the proposed scheme increases throughput to 72% and network lifetime to 37% as well as it reduces delay to 37% than the existing optimization algorithms based clustering and routing schemes.


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APA Style
Vijayvergia, H.K., Modani, U.S. (2023). Energy efficient load balancing and routing using multi-objective based algorithm in WSN. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 35(3), 3227–3239.
Vancouver Style
Vijayvergia HK, Modani US. Energy efficient load balancing and routing using multi-objective based algorithm in WSN. Intell Automat Soft Comput. 2023;35(3):3227–3239.
IEEE Style
H. K. Vijayvergia and U. S. Modani, “Energy Efficient Load Balancing and Routing Using Multi-Objective Based Algorithm in WSN,” Intell. Automat. Soft Comput., vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 3227–3239, 2023.

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