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Cipherchain: A Secure and Efficient Ciphertext Blockchain via mPECK

by Hailin Chen, Gang Xu, Yuling Chen, Xiubo Chen, Yixian Yang, Ruibin Fan, Kaixiang Zhang, Huizhong Li

1 Information Security Center, State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, 100876, China.
2 Guizhou University, Sate Key Laboratory of Public Big Data, Guizhou, 550025, China.
3 North China University of Technology, School of Computing Science and Technology, Beijing, China.
4 Webank, Shenzhen, 518000, China.

* Corresponding Author: Xiubo Chen. Email: email.

Journal of Quantum Computing 2020, 2(1), 57-83.


Most existing blockchain schemes are based on the design concept “openness and transparency” to realize data security, which usually require transaction data to be presented in the form of plaintext. However, it inevitably brings the issues with respect to data privacy and operating performance. In this paper, we proposed a novel blockchain scheme called Cipherchain, which can process and maintain transaction data in the form of ciphertext while the characteristics of immutability and auditability are guaranteed. Specifically in our scheme, transactions can be encrypted locally based on a searchable encryption scheme called multi-user public key encryption with conjunctive keyword search (mPECK), and can be accessed by multiple specific participants after appended to the globally consistent distributed ledger. By introducing execution-consensus-update paradigm of transaction flow, Cipherchain cannot only make it possible for transaction data to exist in the form of ciphertext, but also guarantee the overall system performance not greatly affected by cryptographic operations and other local execution work. In addition, Cipherchain is a promising scheme to realize the technology combination of “blockchain+cloud computing” and “permissioned blockchain+public blockchain”.


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APA Style
Chen, H., Xu, G., Chen, Y., Chen, X., Yang, Y. et al. (2020). Cipherchain: A secure and efficient ciphertext blockchain via mpeck. Journal of Quantum Computing, 2(1), 57–83.
Vancouver Style
Chen H, Xu G, Chen Y, Chen X, Yang Y, Fan R, et al. Cipherchain: A secure and efficient ciphertext blockchain via mpeck. J Quantum Comput. 2020;2(1):57–83.
IEEE Style
H. Chen et al., “Cipherchain: A Secure and Efficient Ciphertext Blockchain via mPECK,” J. Quantum Comput., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 57–83, 2020.

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