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The Effects of Stacking Sequence on Dynamic Mechanical Properties and Thermal Degradation of Kenaf/Jute Hybrid Composites
1 Department of Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, 43400, Malaysia
2 Laboratory of Biocomposite Technology, Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, 43400, Malaysia
3 Aerospace Malaysia Innovation Centre, Prime Minister’s Department, MIGHT Partnership Hub, Cyberjaya, 63000, Malaysia
4 School of Mechatronic Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Pauh Putra Campus, Arau, 02600, Malaysia
5 School of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Pauh Putra Campus, Arau, 02600, Malaysia
6 Center of Excellence Geopolymer and Green Technology, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Arau, 02600, Malaysia
* Corresponding Authors: Mohamed Thariq Hameed Sultan. Email: ; Mohd Shukry Abdul Majid. Email:
(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Bio-composite Materials and Structures)
Journal of Renewable Materials 2021, 9(1), 73-84.
Received 05 May 2020; Accepted 09 June 2020; Issue published 30 November 2020
This research focused on the dynamic mechanical and thermal properties of woven mat jute/kenaf/jute (J/K/J) and kenaf/jute/kenaf (K/J/K) hybrid composites. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and Thermo-gravimetric Analysis (TGA) were used to study the effect of layering sequence on the thermal properties of kenaf/jute hybrid composites. The DMA results; it was found that the differences in the stacking sequence between the kenaf/jute composites do not affect their storage modulus, loss modulus and damping factor. From the TGA and DMA results, it has been shown that stacking sequence has given positive effect to the kenaf/jute hybrid composite compared to pure epoxy composite. This is because kenaf and jute fibre has increased the Tg values of the composites, thus affect the thermal degradation. Results showed that the storage modulus for kenaf/jute hybrid composites increased compared with pure epoxy composites with increasing temperature and the values of remained almost the same at glass transition temperature (Tg), the hybrid composite perhaps due to the improved fibre/matrix interface bonding. The preliminary analysis could provide a new direction for the creation of a novel hybrid composite which offers unique properties which cannot be accomplished in a single material system.Keywords
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