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Production of a double-purpose wheat*

by Merchán HD, EE Lutz, AE Morant

* Departamento de Agronomía de la Universidad Nacional del Sur. 8000 Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Trabajo realizado con fondos de la Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica de la Universidad Nacional del Sur.
Se agradece la colaboración a campo del personal del Criadero de Semilla ACA Cabildo. Correspondencia a:

Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 2006, 75(all), 41-46.


In the mixed systems (beef and grain) of the semiarid Pampa, double purpose wheat use might diminish competition by the soil resource, external inputs into the system and money, which are often associated between winter cereals for grazing and/or grain harvest. In the experimental station of the Asociación de Cooperativas Argentinas in Cabildo (wheat semiarid subregion V S), a trial to evaluate shoot and grain production was conducted. The wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) variety Buck Charrúa, commercially recommended for double purpose use was utilized. Grain production of autumn-sown plots, which were defoliated 0, 1, 2 or 4 times, was compared to that of plots sown in winter only for grain production. Grain yield of the autumn-sown wheat without defoliation (control) was 45% less than that of the crop sown in winter for grain (3208 Kg/ha vs 1755 Kg/ha). A similar decrease occurred with one defoliation, but 1400 Kg dry matter/ha were harvested. With four defoliations, without affecting apical meristems, grain yield was reduced by 27% with respect to the undefoliated control (1755 Kg/ha vs. 280Kg/ha) and 3275 Kg of dry matter/ha were produced. With two defoliations, 3850 Kg of dry matter/ha were harvested, but grain production was reduced by 51% (1755 Kg/ha vs. 860 Kg/ha).


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APA Style
HD, M., Lutz, E., Morant, A. (2006). Production of a double-purpose wheat*. Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, 75(all), 41–46.
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HD M, Lutz E, Morant A. Production of a double-purpose wheat*. Phyton-Int J Exp Bot. 2006;75(all):41–46.
IEEE Style
M. HD, E. Lutz, and A. Morant, “Production of a double-purpose wheat*,” Phyton-Int. J. Exp. Bot., vol. 75, no. all, pp. 41–46, 2006.

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